What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist

When looking to get work done on your teeth, the type of provider you go to will depend on what you need done. Many people are unaware of what the difference is between an orthodontist and a dentist, but knowing which services each provide can help you get the care you need in a timely manner.

Orthodontics is a highly specialized type of dentistry. It involves addressing and correcting problems related to the alignment of the teeth and sometimes the jaw as well. It is related to the field of dentistry, but the types of problems and concerns address by an orthodontist are much different than a dentist.

Orthodontists don’t perform general dental procedures like fillings, extractions, cleanings or whitenings. Instead, they are specialists that are able to use their skills to fix and align the teeth for a more attractive and effective smile and bite. Often, orthodontics are thought of to be cosmetic. However, getting the correct alignment of your teeth will improve the function of your mouth and reduce discomfort.

Because orthodontics is so specialized, orthodontists are required to study above and beyond what would be required for a regular dentist. They obtain a Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree and a Masters degree or Doctorate in Orthodontics. They register with special boards and undergo additional testing to be able to work as an orthodontist.

All of the specialized training and professional regulation means that orthodontists are recognized as some of the most qualified people for dealing with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of problems associated with the alignment of the teeth and jaws. To see an orthodontist, you don’t need a referral from your dentist, but many people seek this recommendation as a way of choosing a qualified practitioner that is recognized in the field.

Many orthodontists see themselves as a team, working with the patients dentist to create the optimal health outcome. They communicate with the general dentist and keep them informed of any work being done as well as progress and problems along the way.

While seeing an orthodontist, patients also continue visiting their regular dentists for cleanings, checkups and other needs. The orthodontist may bring up problems they notice at the visits, as the patient sees the orthodontist more regularly than their normal dentist. This way, during the course of the treatment, optimal dental health is maintained and the outcome of the process is as good as possible.

If you’re interested in finding out how orthodontics can improve your smile, consider visiting an orthodontist Cupertino for an initial consultation. After that, you’ll know what needs to be done to get your teeth looking and feeling their best.


Disease and Biological Dentistry P3


So do you have heart disease of any kind? So a conventional medical history would ask you of angina, heartburn, shortness of breath, fatigue, our patients come in complaining of fatigue like it’s number one complaint nowadays, and we think of the adrenal glands or the kidneys, think of the heart, that late afternoon fatigue is often the heart — reduced circulation in the body causes a lot of fatigue, palpitation, tachycardia, weakness, dizziness, nausea, sweating. Now what we ask, what we ask additionally is did you have a lot of tonsil focal? Did you have a lot of tonsil infections as a child? Did you have a lot of ear infections? Did you get a lot of antibiotics for that, how many rounds, do you have any idea? Did you have a lot of sinus infections as a child? Is this a new slide too? Good, okay.


Do you have gum disease, right, dental cavities, abscesses, root canals, extractions, who pulled your wisdom teeth, the conventional dentist? It’s always the same thing, there’s very few people that extract correctly. So we have to ask all of these questions, and I just – these are two new slides, I just have to throw in my information on cholesterol. It just saddens me so much when I see all of us, especially senior citizens just getting beat up by the side effects of statin drugs, it’s outrageous. So this is a very good website, benefits of high cholesterol, you go to the WestonAPrice.org and you google benefits of high cholesterol, and you’ll see excellent peer-reviewed journal articles, in this particular article talking about the scientific basis of the fact that cholesterol really doesn’t cause heart disease. Trans fats do, toxic fats, rancid fat, sugar those things cause heart disease. We will be talking about that next.


So some facts about cholesterol, 75% of people who have heart attacks have normal cholesterol, 75% older patients with lower cholesterol have risk of death than those with high cholesterol. Countries with higher average cholesterol like Switzerland and Spain have less heart disease. So there’s just tons of facts on cholesterol and how important it is to the system. I had a patient come in recently going to a Kaiser doctor, her doctor wants to get her cholesterol down to 120. Yeah, AIDS patients, 150, 140, they keep lowering this cholesterol, it’s the most insane and [person you’re close think], I have never seen in my life. It’s amazing.


Okay, some research on statin drugs and again I think Sally Fallon has done a very good job of compiling a lot of research statistics on statin drugs and cholesterol. So again go to the Weston A. Price.org website and just google statin drugs. This is the thing, when they first got the board together to figure out who to recommend statin drugs to, they couldn’t figure it out for women because women even at 200, 250 more than that, there was no evidence that that caused heart disease, but nevertheless I think they first set at 200 and again gone down to 180, now they’re down to 170 but a healthy woman, there’s no evidence that taking statins reduces your risk of heart attack and death.


Lancet, respected British Journal 2007, men or women over 69 years old with high cholesterol, there’s no proof that taking statins reduces your risk of heart attack and death, same article. And here’s an article where two statin drugs Zocor and Zetia, aggressive treatment with them, they did lower cholesterol, but it led to more plaque build-up. What does cholesterol do in our body? It goes to the artery, it’s there to heal that infection, that inflammation, right? So it led to more plaque buildup in the arteries and no fewer heart attacks. New England Journal of Medicine. So I just wanted to say that any of you that are on statin drugs I really wish you do some research and consider or reconsider taking that medication, that’s some serious side effects, including death.


Okay, how many do blood pressure in your office, how many take blood pressure? Quite a few. Okay, so what can we do for the physical exam? Blood pressure is an excellent test. I don’t find – I find that blood pressure machines give a lot of false positives. So those can be a bit of a problem. So if you are going to buy a blood pressure machine, I’d caution you to go with a lot of money, buy a really good quality one because the cheaper ones usually give too higher reading. So blood pressure is a good measurement, the pulse is also a very good measurement. Now we’re supposed to take our stethoscope and diagnose the heart sounds. When you’re in school you get a tape and you get this information on all these particular sounds you’re going to hear. When you hear — when you listen with your stethoscope on the chest, I just want to say it’s very difficult to diagnose heart sounds. Even cardiologists are challenged by this and they confirm these heart sounds by echocardiogram studies and ECGs. So you can take your stethoscope and listen but don’t worry about doing it just right because it’s difficult, we leave that for the cardiologists, the people that, doctors that listen all the time.


Now, left ventricular hypertrophy, this is a very common complication from rheumatic fever from strep bacteria with resulting mitral and aortic valve disease, okay. So here we have the left ventricle, and we have the mitral valve right between the left atrium and left ventricle that brings the oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium, goes through that mitral valve, goes into the left ventricle and then that left ventricle has to push out all that oxygenated blood through the aortic valve into the whole rest of the body. So our left ventricle is a huge – has a huge workload. It’s our main pumping chamber and as you can see what can happen just like Hans Selye said about the adrenal glands in the 1950s, that brilliant doctor and scientist, the adrenal glands with a lot of stress, what do they do? They hypertrophy too. Glands areas get bigger under stress, well, so does this muscle, so does this left ventricle area.


So why not everybody put your hand on your heart, and remember the seventh rib comes out here where the xiphoid is, so the heart ends at the fifth rib. One third of it is to the right of the sternum, two thirds of it is to the left of the sternum and it’s about two fists – size of two fists, small person, those person’s fists, big person, those persons, bigger heart. So if you’re feeling, you should be feeling a beat, that is the left ventricle. It’s the most anterior to the chest wall. So you’re feeling that apex area, that apical area of the left ventricle. Now, if it’s forced and strong, you well could have left ventricular hypertrophy, it is not an uncommon finding.


Here’s another picture of the thickening of the myocardium of the left ventricle. Very common in hypertension, of course you increase the peripheral pressure the body’s got to get stronger just like building up your biceps in the gym to push out force more blood, so you get the blood circulating throughout the body. It occurs naturally in athletes, we will talk about that in a minute. I am not sure how natural that is and it’s diagnosed with an echocardiogram.


Another picture left, left ventricular hypertrophy, blood is unable to flow freely from the left ventricle to the aorta as we said during aortic stenosis and remember most people have some kind of mitral valve impairment too by definition, and it can cause arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease, not enough blood getting to the tissues, congestive heart failure and death. And often see the left ventricle is the first sign and after a while it can lead to right heart failure. So this is first to fail and it’s the strong pumping chamber and then this is second to fail, the right ventricle. So if we catch the left ventricle first, we’re catching it earlier.


Now there is a test in autonomic nervous system labs called the sustained grip test, and it’s used as an alternative stress test to reveal cardiac abnormalities. And they say that it’s necessary since cardiovascular function in many patients with clinical heart disease is within normal range. I think we see this a lot in our practice, I can pick up a heart issue, some kind of distress in the heart and yet a patient can go out and get a normal ECG and normal echo and yet I see heart issues and they eventually will show up unless I treat that.


So, challenging the left ventricle, so in 1967 this Dr. Donald figured out how to do that and he demonstrated that if you have a sustained isometric contraction of the flexor muscles of the forearm, in other words, those little teeth you have in front of you, if you squeeze that real hard for a sustained period of time and it resulted in a marked increase in blood pressure, you increase the peripheral blood pressure, you increase the stress on your left ventricle. That’s no problem if you don’t have a left ventricle problem hypertrophy but if you do, it results in a positive test. They’ve been doing this for over 30 years in autonomic nervous system labs.


Again another picture the heart, the heart has to pump harder to get that blood out from the left ventricle through the aorta to the whole rest of the body. You can also do it with a Valsalva maneuver, right? We know some of these parasympathetic nervous system stresses we can do in our offices. So it’s considered, it’s a very well respected test. It’s considered very simple, very easy, very safe. And it’s a valuable intervention for the evaluation of this left ventricular function. Very well praised in the literature as a good test to do.


Professional athletes, they did a study with professional athletes, male professional basketball players 42 of them, 33i – this is a new slide, sorry, added a few — 33 had left ventricular hypertrophy and an enlargement and 16 had bilateral hypertrophy both sides. Now this is called physiological hypertrophy because at their basal state, at their resting state these guys were okay. I don’t know if I agree with that. What’s the typical age of death of a professional male professional sports player, a male professional sports player? What’s the typical age of death? Yes, Mike, you get a prize, 67. That’s young, right? Lot of us are in that range. What’s the typical age of death of a professional football player? Lower, of course, lot of fractures and concussions, 58, professional football player male, they all are male, still aren’t they? No women yeah, 58 years old. So I don’t know it’s interesting that they consider professional athletes, this is okay and again in our offices we have tools and techniques to figure out just how physiological just how normal this is.


I think a lot of people are doing their exercise completely wrong. So that’s a whole other subject we will have to talk about at cocktail hour, but I think there’s a lot of mistakes with exercise. Okay, well of course, professional football players are also billionaires and millionaires and get a lot of glories, so there is that aspect, I understand that but I would hope that all of them got holistic health after their — during their years and after their years of being in sports. So also this is a very good test if you had a heart attack and you’re supposedly recovering, an uncomplicated recovery, if it’s positive that can indicate yes, now there’s still a problem. Again you have to correlate these with other findings, blood-pressure, pulse, symptoms, history etc. but they use this test a lot, left ventricular function in patients to see if they’re really doing well after myocardial infraction.


So for biological dentists, the sustained grip test is an excellent screening test along with the pulse, along with the blood-pressure to determine any heart impairment so that the transient bacteremia that may be mild from dental procedures to make sure that it won’t worsen an existing problem. Of course, we’re already aware that patient has gingivitis or periodontitis, we’re already aware of the chronic dental focal infections, some of you even take a tonsil focal infection history and have an awareness that they have a chronic tonsil focal infection. So we are aware of the state of that patient’s health. So adding this sustained grip test to our screening is very easy to do.


So, what else can reveal underlying cardiovascular disease? Energetic testing such as kinesiology, we all have been able to therapy localize the heart and see issues, electro-dermal screening reveals that. My technique matrix reflex testing, very sensitive, I’m aware of any kind of heart issues coming up. We all know that a therapy localization, a positive TL, and those of us that do kinesiology is a lower galvanic skin resistance point like if I had – if a patient has a chronic ulcer there’s going to be a lowered galvanic skin resistance over this area because of the high sympathetic activity, think of high sympathetic activity, high [sooth riferous] activity, lot of sweating, sweaty area less resistant, right. So it’s a positive TL over that positive TL — over that stomach or over that heart area.


So Dr. Arvind Kaur, a great scientist, worked with osteopathic colleges for years, did amazing research on proving the efficacy of therapy localization actually. So he used a dorm armature, which is just a fancy skin resistance machine and he found that if that tested positive over the sternum, over the medial scapula and T1 through T4 that consistently correlated with heart disease in all his subjects he studied. In one subject he had been studying this subject for months and months but then for three weeks this subject’s T1 through T4 were observed for testing positive before that subject had a heart attack. And we also worry not only about the viscerosomatic relationship, but what about the somatovisceral relationship? As practitioners and doctors and especially as dentists, what do we – we’re honked over a lot, it’s really a problem.


So this kind of stress in the upper thoracic area, you know is going to have a problem to the heart. They’re going to reflex back and forth through these nerve pathways here. So they used to say dentists primarily die of heart attacks. I was trying to find that on the Internet, I couldn’t find it. I did read about dentists were used to say that they committed suicide more than anybody else but that was an urban myth. So I don’t know what the normal death is but it is a consideration because you know how much fine work you do, how much hunch over you are and again how prone you are to toxic chemicals and toxic metals, the Jeep Brothers, we’re not even talking about mercury yet, right, but the Jeep Brothers wrote a book about mercury toxicity, mercury amalgam, dental fillings and heart disease and then [Sam Jeep] later wrote a book — another book on heart disease and mercury. So mercury is a whole other issue in regard to intoxication of the heart.


So autonomic lab test, or expensive echocardiograms, ECGs going to a cardiologists, these are all very complicated. Now of course and expensive for the patient. Now of course if you have a patient that’s definitely indicating significant heart disease you want to refer them to a cardiologist and get all that information but for the bulk, for the most part, what we need is some kind of easy screening tool we can do in our office. So we can do a variation of the isometric handgrip test in our office using a ball or a dynamometer and then observing if a strong indicator muscle weakens and responds.


Okay. So does anybody have a dental focal infection here, tonsil focal infection here, anybody a strong athlete? Who wants to – none of those clean, who wants to come up? Russ, come on up, I remember Russ, years ago you had a big bicycle accident, didn’t you? You’re a big bicyclist, right? I thought so. Okay. So stand here, and I am so used to taking off watches but I guess I don’t know. I don’t have to do that. Let’s have you go ahead and take off the watch. Okay. Take the phone out. Take the pager, take the – okay. All right. So let’s have hand and get away from the electricity little bit, no, it’s not going to make that big a difference with just a gross muscle test. But okay, so, we have this patient hold his arm up, hold tight. And he’s got a strong indicator muscle, you can also do the supraspinatus muscle to get his elbow real straight, 30° out from the body, hold tight, can check both sides, straight up. Just a general indicator muscle or a more specific muscle and he’s super strong.


Okay. So then you want to take your little ball that Don and Toby got for me and have that patient squeeze it for 15 seconds. Now in your note it says 10 seconds, and the reason it because I don’t have a watch, I don’t like electricity on my body when I’m working in the office and I don’t have a Rolex which works. So my watches have been broken for years. So what I do is I count, I usually count, 1, 2, 3, I count to 10, and well I just got a stopwatch for this conference and realize I am counting so slowly, it’s actually 15 seconds. So I have been doing this test for years, but it’s 15 seconds. Okay. So let’s have the patient hold it in their dominant hand, okay. So when I say go, Russ is going to squeeze that moderately hard, not terribly hard but not weak, usually man around 20 pounds of pressure, okay. So Russ, go ahead and squeeze. Now stop. Okay. Wait a minute, sorry.


Okay, now squeeze, okay, moderate hard, moderate hard and stop. Now quickly you want to retest the muscle, hold tight and he goes into weakness. Okay, he’s not holding any more quickly, hold tight and he goes into weakness. You only have 3 to 4 seconds to quickly retest because now after that hold up, hold tight. And he’s absolutely strong again, right, because this is a dynamic test on the surface, he’s fine but underneath that when he bikes, he bikes 26 miles, I don’t know probably you don’t have any dental focal infections, holistic dentist specializes in cavitation surgery but definitely could be one of those physiological hypertrophy issues with the left ventricle and it’s something that we want to take into mind too because I’m not sure if that’s a good idea to go weak with any particular test.

Home Remedies for Cold Sores That Actually Work

Home remedies for cold soresHome remedies for cold sores are readily available, powerful and definitely proven to offer great relief.  It is very popular and some sites even offer a miracle cure for a small price.  It can give you more powerful and quicker results than medical anti-virus drugs.  It is still the best methods you can use to beat these oral herpes attacks. It is the safest and most effective treatments available today.
Cold sores are caused by herpes virus. This herpes are type of simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) will cause fever blisters. It lies inactive inside the ganglia after infection. The blisters appear around the nose and mouth. They then burst open releasing a sticky golden fluid. For a first time infection, the disease lasts about three weeks. The virus later goes into the dormant stage.

Cold sores can be spread by having close contact like kissing, hugging with the infected person as these viruses are contagious. Children can be attacked by this virus while playing with the infected person. Home remedies for cold sores that are natural and effective will help to promote healing and relieve the pain and discomfort you may experience when fighting an eruption.


Best home remedies for cold sores you may try:

  1. Petroleum jelly can beneficial to moisturize and ease cold sore which important to stop from breaking and bleeding.
  2. Eat better food to strengthen you, food which includes plenty of fiber as well as foods generating alkali, but excludes sweets as well as processed food. Eat good quality foods rich in nutrients including fresh organic vegetables. Also consider taking multi vitamins.
  3. Witch Hazel can also be applied on sores which will give you a relief. In the common salt just dip your moist index finger and press it on the sore for approximately 30 seconds.
  4. Cold milk is the best medicine for healing the cold sores. Take a cotton pad and soak in the cold milk, by making use of the cotton apply carefully around the infected region.
  5. Utilize lemon balm extract around the blister that can help to relieve symptoms and accelerates curing. The lemon balm is named bee balm, which is actually a sulphate-based solution with copper as a trace ingredient. It has also proven great results most of the time of fever blister occurrence.
  6. Among the best home treatments pertaining to cold sores is just to apply a lukewarm and moist tea bag over the cold sore for about five minutes each hour. Make use of a tea containing tannic acid. Please always rinse your mouth region utilizing one teaspoon potassium chlorate together with a glass water. Do two or three repetitions on a daily basis.
  7. One very simple home remedy involves the use of ice to treat a cold sore. Simply take an ice pack and hold it against the area in which cold sores appear when at the tingling stage to diminish the effects of an outbreak, even stopping the blister phase completely, or keep up against the blister or lesion once it’s got shown up to minimize discomfort and inflammation. Half an hour is all that is required and the point that almost every single house has a ready supply of ice in the fridge means it is one home treatment that is always available.


So as you see, there are many options home remedies for cold sores available to you. You don’t need prescription and over the counter drugs for your cold sores. The above remedies are far more effective, try them out and see what works for you best. You don’t have to worry if you are out of pills or creams. Just see to it that you keep the sores clean and dry and that you maintain a sound immune system to fight the outbreak. Wishing you all the best with getting rid of those awful cold sores forever.

The Dangers of Mainstream Dentistry P4

Now what do we eat? Our teeth is supposed to be grinding greens. We have a plant based tooth and what have we been doing? The first twenty years of my life I never ate plant.  I used to look at parsley and gag hen it was on the side of a hand burger. Bottom line is all I ever ate was this mushy stuff which slide down my throat that made me sick. We didn’t strengthen our teeth when we were young.  When you eat salad you’re strengthening our teeth.


If we invented ways to destroy the anatomy what we’ve done has done it   for you. Could it ever be corrected and are there extreme cases where I have seen people’s teeth re calcified? Yes but when I read about people saying “I’m not going to have my tooth fill its going to re calcify, good luck.”


I’ve seen three people that I know authentically did it. A lot of lunatics are running around saying it’s going to happen and their teeth is rotting out of their head. There’s obviously a reason that it happened for these people. It never happened in my case. We’re doing a lot of bad things to out mouth.


Audience: what do you think of rinsing with baking soda?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: baking soda is great. It’s not going to kill everything but it’s great. It’s going to help to alkalize the body. Most baking soda has aliment in it. It’s not going to kill the stuff but it alkalizes you though.


Audience: have you heard about oil pulling?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT:  oil pulling really works its atavistic. When I was in India I was thought that there was a wonderful hospital there, Hydrous. Hydrous has the biggest care centre. What I loved about it is that they had the hominy phatic and the nature phatic and the hallo phatic   doctors in there and they have thousands of patients in there at one point. I learnt that there and I was just shocked. I said “how does this work?” and they said “well try it ” and I could feel it.


Audience: I actually have information here with Americans who they want to do root canal to extract. Is there a way to see if it’s actually a lie or <inaudible>


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: photography can do that.  You wouldn’t give me a phimography scan because I wouldn’t know what it was.  You would have to give it to, almost all of the good phimography interpreters are hallo phatic doctors, that’s what they do. They could look at that and tell you in a minute.


Audience: is there a way of healing it. You could get infection anywhere in the body. Is there a way of turning it around if it’s partially dying or infected?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: there is a way to do it but here’s is my thought on this. In the vast majority of cases it’s a very laborious and very long process. If ultimately you have half a tooth now wouldn’t it better, wiser and more appropriate for you immune system and overall health to extract since probably that’s what is going to happen when your 70 years old.


Audience: you still don’t want to end up toothless.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: exactly. That’s why wonderful things like composites and bridges are options today.  I’ll go back and repeat for the third time.  The new composites are like diamonds they’re not toxic. The old composites were. They’re plastics but in three days I’m going to be joining my friend in Israel. He is a PHD, a doctor in plastics and composites. What he has explained to me is that some composites are literally stronger than glass and metal.


The new composite that they actually make, that I show you here they don’t even put metal in it anymore.  It’s like a diamond, they stick it in you and it doesn’t leech out. It’s so hard that acids can dissolve these stuff.


audience: can I quickly ask if it’s going to hurt when you have it extracted if you suffer from pneumonia as I did last year which I believe was connected to this  but  the doctors says it’s impossible how do I heal because I still have the pain in my lung and I’ve taken antibiotics every few weeks.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: this is an easier deal. it’s harder to find like this young gentleman a  dentist is  going to put saver nitrate  into your tooth as you’re in a dental chair because they’re license is on the lien  if they do that . It’s much easier to find an alternative doctor and then say I have a chest infection that will IV into your blood streams into that. Once again do you know of any doctor that would be doing that? Do you have any nurses as friends?


I think the world all makes contributions and Britain has made a lot.


Audience:  when he said that the pneumonia wasn’t connected to   this and it’s so unusual.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: you have to remember that most doctors are in total denial because everything that they do it doesn’t work. Their whole life is denial. That’s what you’re seeing. You’re going to find doctors like this gentleman who almost died from mercury positioning and became evangelical to help people. You’re going to find these kinds of doctors, they’re rare.


I know 2000  doctors  well  enough  if  I saw them I would know what their names was I would  trust five of them completely.


Audience: if I can’t in a doctor to administer silver nitrate then what is my next best bet to heal.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: first get on the Hyprocotese lifestyle, secondly eat so much garlic that no one wants to be with you. You take heads of garlic and juice it. Take it five or six days per week. Nothing is better than that from the natural realm. Thirdly take saunas as much as I do, seven days per week to detoxify all that out.


Remember what I said to you. Toxins remains in bodies that are not healthy. When bodies are exercising, circulating, stimulating, filled with oxygen, nourished, the cells are strong and the immune systems are working toxins down like to hang out. When I was like this smoking cigarettes toxins thought I was central park.


Audience: all the dentist I’ve spoken to want me to take charcoal.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: charcoal would be a pore choice since we know that edible green clay is a good choice. The fence are way ahead    of us on that. They have something called edible green clay which is far better than charcoal not that charcoal is horrible but it can also cause problems for you.


Audience: how many days?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: I would do that the day of and a week after. You don’t take tons of it. You take a tablespoon, mix it in a small jar or juice shake it and drink it down twice per day.


Audience: how wide spread are these composites?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: they’re new. It’s only been about a year and half since they have been out but composites of or other parts of the teeth but the implants are very new.


Audience: how do you know if you’re dentist is using them?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: you have to quiz them. I would call the nurse at the desk and say ”  do you do 100$ composite implants?” and if they say no they don’t know what that is but they’re really great dentist  like  she suggested they are willing to  put these things in.


Many of the things I’ve learn probably more than half of what I can teach you learn from our guest.  Although I read prolifically and constantly study when the guest come they say “have you heard about  …” I say” wow that’s interesting you’re the fifth person who said “. That’s how dentist learn too.


Audience: I just wanted to say that one of the foods that this doctor was recommending before you remove mercury you have to go through detoxification.  One of the foods that are not allowed is <inaudible>.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: he’s an acrobatic doctor?


Audience:   no he just explains that it’s so much in the food chain, mercury is in everything. There is certain things where it cumulates more and garlic is one of them. <inaudible>


Be: I’m sure if you look at a place like the island of Britain. How many years have people levied here, how many thousands of years?  The population has been pretty large here for how many number of years? I can’t imagine that this islands soil has anything but massive contamination in it. Mercury doesn’t just come from mid-air. It would have to come from the soil. Even a bio dynamic gardener that has done a lot of good to make richer, healthier good soil cannot preclude the mercury that takes hundreds of years to come out of it.


I wouldn’t say if you went out to the bookies out there in Montana you rabbi wouldn’t have mercury. If you went to New Mexico where they put nuclear bombs off you may get uranium in it.


Audience: I found out last week that in greens, one of the instruments they found in plants is that there is a little piece of titanium in it and he said underneath their root there’s <inaudible>.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: if you trust the dentist and they could be right I would probably leave it alone because titanium doesn’t charge, it doesn’t have electrical stimuli in it. If it’s not titanium take it out.


I’ll give you an example even my wife Anna- Marie who some of you know and some of you have seen tonight she had an alternative dentist where a part of the drill was stuck in her head. Ten years later she didn’t know it. We eat rice and she didn’t feel an infection. Another dentist looked and said” you have this thing there that has an encapsulated infection in it. “You don’t know some of the time. That may be what happened to you.


The body is amazing. Scar tissue as horrible as it may be especially for pain and strategic areas is really resulting effect of how brilliant your body is. It’s trying to repair its self.  Just like cancer. Cancer it’s the effect of the body trying to recover from stupidity. It kills you but on the other hand it’s trying to protect you.


Audience: <inaudible>


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: again I would have to know a lot more. If this is a drill head or if this is a nickel I would pull the thing out. If it was a titanium piece that was put in there I would leave it.


Audience: the implants are they ok as long as there is a composite?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: it’s ok. The disadvantage if the implant is that they have to connect it to you.  I don’t know if anyone has done that. I would like to get a photograph of seeing an implant. You wouldn’t see as negative as this is with cancer. You would see part of this on positive that wouldn’t flow as widely if you had an implant. The energetics of the body would be blocked with something sticking into it.  It would be like a toll booth on a road you’re driving fast on then you would have to stop.


That I do know. How problematic that is don’t know. It could be major problematic or nothing to worry about. That’s something a very wise and sophisticated dentist and long term dentist could probably tell you.



Audience: I’ve had several root canals. One of them I had done that and I have had cram put on it .the cram lasted three or four years and then it broke off. I didn’t go back to the dentist and since then my gum will push up and I can put a tooth in there now which is perfectly fine.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: you go way above the average person for hygiene. This land is probably down at the pub swishing his mouth with beer.


Audience: if anybody wants book and information on these things he has a brilliant selection of books. I don’t know how many he has bright tonight but they do have an excellent selection of books on root filling.


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: Wheat grass is going to kill a lot of the bacteria any virus in there, spiral k reduces it but it only reduces by about half. I think that long with putting the period liquid in that’s a winner.


When I drink the wheat grass most of the time when I’m up to it I swish it around before I swallow it.


Audience: and for what period of time?


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: ` you need two minutes, five munities you’ll have green tea.


Audience: I’m familiar with the coconut oil


DR BRIAN CLEMENT: coconut oil can be helpful just don’t swallow it. It works in a similar way to the sesame oil some would say that it’s better than the sesame oil.


Audience: the digestive enzymes what do you think about that.

How To Stay In Shape Even When You Have an Underactive Thyroid

I know just how hard life can be when you’re suffering with an underactive thyroid, but the reality is that if you’re prepared to put in a little hard work and dedication then there is nothing on this planet that is going to be able to prevent you from not only overcoming the symptoms of hypothyroidism but also getting into really incredible shape.

But the only way you’re going to be able to get long term results that matter is by first and foremost understanding and appreciating the fact that there are absolutely no shortcuts out there. The only way to get results is by making sure you are actually taking steps to implement a few core things.

The most important step of all is to ensure that the diet you’re on is super clean at all times. Diet is the one thing that you must work hard to perfect because without it you will never be able to overcome hypothyroidism and if you’re not able to do this then you’ll never be able to lose the weight that you want to lose! It’s as simple as that my friend.

The second part of the game is going be to make sure that you’re living a completely stress free life where you are enjoying every single moment that you have. If you’re stressed out then you’re body is going to be releasing stress hormones such as cortisol and this will ultimately result in you never being able to shed those excess pounds.

The third step is really simple and just involves you having to actually take the time to get out there and exercise as much and as often as you can. Exercise is the key to not only overcoming your underactive thyroid but also losing a lot of weight in a really short time frame. But know that you’ll very easily get results if you just put in the effort to create some sort of exercise routine that you can follow step by step.

The next step is going to be for you to ensure that you’re getting a good nights rest every single night. You have to give your body the chance to recuperate because if you don’t then you can totally forget ever getting over hypothyroidism for good! Rest is essential to give your body the chance to repair itself.

Overall I’d highly recommend that you enjoy every part of your journey. There’s no doubt that you are not going to eventually overcome your low thyroid and get into the best shape of your life, so why not actually take the time to enjoy the whole process. The better you get at doing this, the better your end results are going to be! It is as simple as that but it requires that you remain as strong and as faithful as possible. So waste no more time, just get out there and do whatever you can to take massive action.

High Capacity (Quality) Dentistry P2

So, I had to have a long, serious, hard discussion with myself as to what could work and couldn’t work in Ripley, Mississippi.  So, at the time in the middle of this cosmetic craze, I’m charging $1200, $1300 for a crown, real fancy crown, and the guys down the street are charging $400.  It’s hard to compete with that because around here it’s tough.  People think a filling’s a filling, a crown’s a crown.  It’s commoditized.

So, I thought I really can’t do it for $400. Can I get anywhere close so I can compete and still make an income where I’m happy and still meet my goals?  So, starting 2005, I traveled all around the country trying to find other dentists who had been in similar situations and made it work.  I traveled to Florida to visit Vincent Monticello, Baton Rouge to visit Dr. Bob Westinman, Scott Perkinson in Houston, Texas, Roy Smith in Tyler, Texas.  I went to 19 places, and I would always visit with them.  Some places would let you come but you had to pay a little fee.  That’s fine. I didn’t care. I figured I would make it many times over, and I did.

So, I studied that, and I developed a plan where I figured if I could just completely eliminate all the real waste in the practice and systematize every process, then I should be able to steal enough of the time I was spending in a patient day and apply that to doing more dentistry.  As long as I was wise enough to market wisely, change the perception of who I was in the community from a high end hoity toity guy to a blue collar guy that just wanted to help you and do work.

So, it was a several year process. We ended up doing that by 2008.  I went to a five day week dentist producing about a $500,000 a year gross to a three day week dentist producing three times that, which is about three times the national average that they publish.  So, you got to feel pretty good about that, and I felt like the quality was still there.  We were doing a lot more dentistry, but I was three a week.  You’re not that tired at the end of the day.  You get home and everybody’s happy.

So, then, l taught that all around the country about how we did it, and the whole time I was teaching it there was something missing.  I really didn’t know what it was until this past winter.  So, let me tell you what happened. So, I’d gotten somewhat successful, published a book called “Time Genius”.  The president if Mississippi State University actually came to my dental office and talked to me 15, 20 minutes one day and said, “You know, Chris, I think some of our students could really learn from your experience, your successes, your failures, how you went from engineering and all that.”

So, I agreed to go speak to an entrepreneurship class at Mississippi State this winter, and I get down there.  It was a real bucket list.  I mean can you imagine the president of your alma mater asking you to speak to an actual class where they’re getting credit.  I mean that’s amazing.  This is actually the room where I took Psychology 101. It held a few hundred people. I mean it was just a dream come true, but we’re down there. I’m talking to them and having a great time.  The dean walks me back to my truck.

As we’re leaving the auditorium, the dean says, “Hey Chris.  Obviously you studied lean manufacturing.  It’s not surprising with your engineering background,” and I said, “Professor, they must not have gotten to that by the time I swapped courses on the engineering because I don’t know what lean manufacturing is.”  He stopped and looked funny.  He said, “Well, you just got up in front of those kids and described an exact model for making lean manufacturing work in a health care environment.”  He said, “You ought to learn more about it because that’s what you’re doing even if you use some of the wrong terminology.”

I said, “Hey.”  That’s my personality.  I went home.  I go to Amazon.com, order about 10 books, and read them cover to cover as soon as they come in.  That just opened my eyes to a new world where I always had certain things that work, but I didn’t really understand how to put them together into a blueprint like Lorne talked about earlier, the high capacity blueprint.

When I read those books on lean management and the way that Henry Ford really began the concepts of lean management 100 years ago.  After World War II, the greatest business minds in the world went over to Japan to build their economy using those principles, the Japanese took those principles and really took it to another level.  They took it to another level.  They created a culture based on lean manufacturing principles that had originally come from America.

When you read those books by the Japanese folks it is amazing the detail that they went into.  As I read it I realized there is not really one contraction in the system of how they say and do things, let’s say building automobiles, and how we do it in our practice doing teeth.  The Japanese, they always talk about continuous improvement.  Their word for that is kaizen.  I always say this when I’m doing my lecture, “If anybody out there is from Japan, raise your hand,” and if somebody raises their hand, which is rare, I say, “Look.  I’m about to butcher your language.  Please forgive me.”  So, I’m about to mispronounce a bunch of names, but if you’re not Japanese, you’re probably not going to know the difference.

So, kaizen.  That concept in of itself is a very simple concept, but that’s what we always try to do here in the dental practice.  When we started doing our system a long time ago, I got to thinking it would be nice because there’s a furniture factory in town.  Those concepts could turn out a lot of recliners.  Maybe those concepts would work in dentistry, but I would always think, “Yeah, but when we’re building a recliner, we’re building 1000 at a time of the same thing.”  It doesn’t work in dentistry.  You’re doing fillings, root canals, whatever.  The end product is far too customized.  Even tooth fillings are like snowflakes.  There are no two alike, and with root canals, it’s just impossible.

As I read those books I realized that that true end product in dentistry is not the filling.  It’s not the crown.  It’s not the root canal.  The true end product is always chair time.  That’s a pretty major concept you need to get into your head if you’re going to follow my sample.  You’re not building crowns and fillings.  You’re building chair time.

Now, the experience that the patient has in the chair may result in what type of dentistry they get.  They get a filling. That’s customer experience.  That’s not the end product.  In our practice, we’re always conscious.  We’re trying to produce as many set up rooms, ready for the patient with chair time as we can in a day, and that chair time, even though it’s an abstract concept, is our end product.  That is our Ford Model T.  That is our recliner.  That is whatever our factor might be producing. Our product is that chair time. If you understand this as we go through this a lot of this will make better sense.

So, to start this out, let me just go through and let me just share some common terminology that they would use in Japan to their clients in the dental office.  So, one of my favorites is poke-yoke.  Now, this is a term that originally meant to “full proof” something.  So, in Japan, they’re always trying to make sure that no matter what, the workers always have a system that never allows them to mess up without a bunch of safeguards coming down.

So, in a dental practice if you think about it, one of the things that whenever I interview a dentist in a seminar, ask their opinion about anything, no matter what, they’re always saying to me, “Hey, Chris.  I have trouble with my assistants.  I love my assistants.  I love my team, but they have trouble.  A lot of times, when I come into the room, they get up to go get something from the storage, to get a supply o to get something like that.”

Long ago, before I knew about lean management, we came up with what we call ten flex, and there’s a good example just on that website I gave you.  These are in my office, they’re color coded to what I show you.  In this particular procedure, orange is going to be a composite resin.  So, these are laminated posters, and we lay these down on the counter behind the dental chair 12 o’clock to where the assistant works from.

Each block represents one item that I need to complete a composite resin.  So, here, you see PDL syringe, loaded syringes, all this stuff.  So, the concept is if the assistant lays the correct template down behind the chair, and they place each of the items on the block where it says composite gun, curing light, if they lay it right there.  Each of these blocks fits, by the way, the item you’re laying on there.  Then, after they’re through putting the supplies behind the patient, they look at this template. If every block is covered, then the procedure is ready to go.  There’s no supply missing.  That’s the whole concept of full proofing a room setup.

Here’s a good one, the concept of kanban. Now, in a furniture factory or a car plant, a kanban, the word actually means single card, but above everything else, there might be a giant illustrator.  There might be a big TV screen, and it’s going to keep statistics on it.  It’s going to let them know where they’re at, how their doing, how they’re proceeding throughout the day.  There’s a Toyota plant 20 miles from Ripley, Mississippi now, and a lot of these concepts is right there for me to look at.

So, in our office, we try to figure out how we can put something somewhere in the office that keeps everyone on target and let’s everyone know how the day’s going, what needs to be done next so the doctor can look it at a glance and know where they need to go to next because, in my opinion, the doctor should never be rushed with the patient.  The patient comes here to get treatment from us.  No matter how much dentistry you’re doing, you owe it to that patient to be calm, collected, and focused on them when you’re seeing them.

I will not condone somebody that rushes through the day and tries to be fast for the sake of being fast.  No way. You’ve got to be focused.  You’ve got to do the patient right, and you’ve got to do good dentistry.   This kanban board, we call ours the route board, allows us to do this on our practice, and this board is kept in a central location.  It’s in our sterilization room now.  It used to be in our hallway.  Now it’s in our sterilization room now.  We actually have a closer look at a TV feed that shoots it around the office all the time. So, I’m never more than two steps away from seeing everything that goes on in the office.

Obviously, you could do a whole day’s lecture on this thing.  We can’t get into a lot of detail, but the whole concept is there is a board somewhere in the office that everyone can look at.  Don’t tell me I’ve got software, I’ve got live systems because I’ve done it all.  I’ve done it all in combination, but this board, broadcasted around the office, will beat any other hands down if it’s utilized properly.  That’s just like anything around here.  You have to utilize it properly.

3D Cat Scans in Dentistry P3



I was at an advance course in radiology and one of the servants there we were looking at a cat scan and he said “that’s an apical scar, that’s not pathology”.  I don’t know what an apical scar is, do you guys know?  That’s not healthy. Look at this, look at the cortical plate can you see that it’s perforated right here? Here’s an axial view. Look at the cortical plate on this size, it’s in tact. You absolutely cannot find these with digital x rays. Even with a 3D CAT scan if you guys had one within a month you would be able to do this. You can see things you just can’t see anywhere else. Look at the legions here and the ones here. Again you can see how we don’t have the full side view of the tooth, that’s because I’m moving in ND out. That’s because I want to know if the bone and the tooth fit together like this. If they don’t then there is an issue, there’s a problem here.


This is an every close friend of mine. I’m not her dentist, she sees somebody else. she actually came by the office  one day and I said ” let me do a cat scan for you ” and she  let me do that . She is very traditional maiden dentally and medically. She now has another root canal treated tooth. She now has been diagnosed with autoimmune disease and she’s 45 years old. I don’t know if she’s going to do anything about it. It doesn’t hurt she said. Look at this, this is that same patient.  Look at the legion on the distal root. The immersion root has three canals.   What I’ve seen is what I believe for a long time. I’m not sure in my mankind, in my opinion that this is physiologically even possible. I’ve got three canals and immersion root but guess what we still have a failure here.  This is another root canal failure tooth. A woman came in about two months ago and right off the bat I was taking her health history and right off the bat she mentioned to me my daughter who was 4 months old died last year.  I wasn’t   trying to be a psychiatrist but I put my arm on her and  said ” are you still carrying guilt  about that ?” she looked at me and said ” I’m dealing with it I’m a psychiatrist.”  I found out later she got the biochemistry award when she was n medical school. She’s a very bright girl. She went back and did an autopsy on her four month old child that’s dead, she came to the conclusion that her child died because of excessive vaccination. She’s really gotten on the bandwagon. Now she’s also   interested in her own. When she started opening up that door and that window she found like we have found that there’s a whole world out there. when she started getting interested in vaccinations then she started getting interested in holistic  health and she like a lot of us , I don’t know about you but I absolutely believe that the traditional medical model was the correct model 300 years  ago and it took some failures to fund out that it’s not  it.


Here she is right her. Can you see the radio ligancies around those from an apical view, same thing here? This is a patient I think I saw last week. 90% of the patients I can show you something interesting on the CAT scan. its real clear from the very beginning when you look at a cross sectional view it now lets you decide I’ve got some problems I’m going to take this   tooth out, do I want to do a bridge , do I want to do an implant?  Everybody will decide for themselves what they want to do about that but know you’ve got a piece of the puzzle unless you could do an implant if you wanted. In any way you know before you g o in what the issues are. How do I evaluate the CAT scan? Is there radio ligancies? How big is it? How does it compare to other teeth in the same scan? Can ii see it in other views? I like more than one source but sometimes you get one view that is so dramatic that it just nails it. How sick is the patient? How healthy of do you want to be? I don’t have a different criteria for root canal treated teeth. To me they should look as healthy on the CAT scan as a non-treated tooth. I see a lot of cancer patients in my practise and again I’ve seen one patient that hasn’t had a lot of denture. Amira’s belief, we’ve talked about I which is cancer is an infection that thrives in the presence of heavy metal. This patient I’m going to show you had breast cancer, I think she came in last month.  Metastatic legions already to the sternum look at the first molar. I don’t think it’s over I don’t care if she has a metastatic legion to the sternum. I don’t think her life is over. Look at the legions here. Again you have to look for them but they’re there.


Everybody has to decide if this were you wife own you’re going to treat it. I had a patient about a year ago who didn’t really believe in what we do drug in by sister in law with brain cancer. I called the physicians and u Sid “we have some infections found in the CAT scan” and he said to me almost verbatim “let’s not bother, he only has four months to live.”  There will be those people in there that will say that. Actually he would not let us treat. He really never bought into this and he didn’t last 6 months. How would you treat it? A milphonic patient this is that same patient, look at the legions there.  This sis the patient that is would look at in depth. I’ve seen amazing results when the world cavity  s treated as one of the problems there  is no  guarantee what would  you do if it were  you  or your family member . Would you get rid of the infection? Would you try to improve the immune system? I don’t treat cancer. patients  must be  under  the care of a  health practitioner and  that’s not for medical legal  reasons that’s for me personally. Vie had one exception and then I’ll talk about it. It’s always the decision of the patient.  I believe that most illness is an infection of immune break down including cancer. Why do almost all cancer patients I see have extensive dentistry, mercury infection, root canals? The best way to retreat it don’t wait till the boats down. What does that means to you? what that means to me is I  don’t know about  your practise but I’ve seen these cancer patients and  they’re not coming in for me to  treat their cancer , they’re coming in because they found out that there is a connection between oral health and cancer. Why wait until they’ve already got it. What if we would get ourselves and our patients to do all these stuff first. This is the kind of view that we’ll see from a cat scan.


This is a 50 year old patient she came in post or to, her <inaudible> teeth were a little mobile but I wasn’t sure if they were not. She wanted beautiful teeth and beautiful smile, she wanted a full moth reconstruction. I’m not going to go into how and why we would treat this all I ‘m saying sis the more you know to begin with the easier it’s going to make her life. In this case there was a bundle on the top of the nerve. Where is the third molar in this panoramic view? You really can’t see it but look at it over here you might see of somebody has got another. I’ve done at least 6 000 third molar extractions. I just think the chances of that ended up in the middle of the sinus could wreck my morning or afternoon. All it tells me is that beforehand keep me out of trouble. Eagle syndrome, it amuses me how many of it’s I see. 40% of the patients have <inaudible>. Ten days ago we were working goats. that means you got to look at all their   eyelids, you go to trim all of their feet , you’ve got to put them in the head gate and some of them get turned around and when they get turned around  you’ve got to pick them up and get them  out. About four of them got away.  They’re on the ground they’re bout a 110 pounds. I’m jumping on top of those with my son. I told him beforehand I said I’m just going to watch. It took me about ten days for me to be able to walk normally I would be afraid to fall jumping off that thing.


I’ll tell you my theory on this. I think one time they were osteoporotic or what happens is when the body becomes acidic the body pulls mineral from the bone if it doesn’t have enough ninny solution or available to buffer.  When it pulls it out of the bone it gets in solution and then it gets deposited in different areas.  Those will be your calculus formers and those will be your eagle syndrome. There’s nothing I can do about it but it’s kind of cool and fits into our holistic approach. My treatment is I use coral calcium plus aloe vera you can check their. There’s other things we can do but rode what I’m really trying to focus on is just this. All of us that are lecture can lecture on a lot of different things.


I got really involved in sleepabania or airway disturbances a long time ago and haven’t done that in a while. this is an area that is  underdeveloped but it has  the potential for you to look at the airway at this because  if you  hadn’t put their front teeth  together and you get your cat scan and the airways open  it can tell you a lot of things.  Here’s a couple of our Clydesdale and lets change direction for a second. This is why most people buy CAT scan there is no question about it.  You can do some amazing things with this with implants. You can instantly go in and look at the bone from a cross sectional view, an axial view, you can drop a virtual implant into that place see where it will fit.  You can map the infernal v alert, you can look at the sinus, you can look at all of that in seconds or minute. You may want to take more time later but you can do that at any time.  you can plant implants  quickie you can decide  to refer a knot ,  you can  order surgical stamp , you can in the fire connect to a  Sirac and  what I’m waiting for is to be able  to do a surgical stamp on the sire and then tell me that its really coming out really quickly  and reduce impact in he  tory . It’s not a guess work you’ll know if you place an implant what size, diameter you’re going to have. I’ve heard a young guy lecture twice, tells me that he schedules an implant patient fifteen minutes. I’ve actually seen him do it, that’s with a surgical stamp because there is no flap, put the surgical stamp in. I have placed about five zirconium implants in the last three or four months. First couple of times we orders those from Germany it was ugly.  a lot of those things you think ids going to be simple , one of the things that we figured out that you can do is if just a bet registration inside, you get this guide that comes from Serena and you have to attach that to the  teeth and  then you put that in and you take a cat  scan .  This is one that we did with a zirconium implant and it really helped because it makes it so simple.  You know   exactly which angle it’s going to be so you can do some virtual planning.  It’s going to evolve its going to get better.


This is one of or patients that came in, we’ve decided together that we were going to do an extraction on that tooth. She shows up in the office and sys by the way can you put an implant in today. It was not schedule today but look at it, who difficult is that? The nerve is way down here, plenty of room, not a lot of infection.  I didn’t do that very often but it has some amazing ability. if you decide that  implants weren’t for you philosophically  I strongly recommend  that you get a 3D cat scan ,  don’t  do all of them  just do the slam  dunks . Do the easy ones, send the tough ones to your old surgeon out or somebody else.  Lessons learned from a clinical rancher and I’m at heart a good simple herder and rancher but I love all of these stuff.  We are at the start of new technology if this fit your hedgehog concept, get ahead of the curb. Don’t wait till you are the last person on the block to do it.  What do the small legions mean? I sometimes feel like madam Currie. I haven’t seen anything like this   since I’ve been in practise technologically. I’m seeing things that nobody knows what means.  I’m ting to figure it out but this technology is fascinating. I think we need to be more aggressive about what we do. The CAT scan is a great tool for early detection it let us see low grade chronic infections of long standing. Most legions are symptomatic. Like the goat, catch it early, it helps   in case and implant planning, wows the patient, it financial creates an amazing amount of dentistry.


What’s the difference between early detection and prevention?   For me it’s still a moral issue. Early mental detection can be a systemic prevention.   when I was overseas I walked into the  first airborne  camp , no hawks, no doves , all eagles . Most of you don’t know what that means.  What this meant to the 110 first bronzes in this unit is don’t get distracted. We have a mission to accomplish and let’s just be eagles and I firmly believe that this organization stands for that. There is a lot of distractions that I see out there that I see this organization being the forefront, staying focus and taking care of these patients.

7 Smart Things You Can Do To Eliminate Bad Toenail Fungus

toenail fungal infectionYou don’t have to live with toenail fungus. There are dozens of things you can do to treat your painful, yellowed or deformed toenails. They range from simple home treatments to highly effective medications to surgical intervention.

Millions of people just like you live with toenail fungus when the don’t have to. If you can clear the fungus from the nail and from the nail bed, you can grow an entirely new, clean and beautiful toenail. While a new nail can take up to a year to grow, it will never happen if you don’t take action now.


How To Get Rid of Toenail Fungus:

There are safe and effective things you can do to get the process started, including the following seven very smart ideas

1. Take systemic antifungal medication pills. These include clotrimazole, itraconazole, terbinafine and others. They very literally cure the problem from the inside out.

2. Turn to topical antifungal medications that you paint on infected toenails or apply as an ointment or cream with a swab. In some cases, the topical medication can be combined with systemic medications for quicker, better results. Topical drugs include ciclopiroxolamine and ciclopirox, among others.

3. Consider laser treatments. Designed just for this purpose, there are many types of laser treatments than have proven effective, including Fox Diode laser therapy and Pinpointe-type therapy. They disrupt the infection by killing the fungi so healthy nails can grow.

4. Explore surgical debridement. That’s the technical name for the removal of the infected toenail or a portion of it. With the damaged part taken away, healing and regrowth is easier.

5. Opt for surgical nail matrix destruction. This is a last-ditch effort to completely destroy the toenail. With this kind of surgery, the nail never grows back but it eliminates the problem. This is only done when other treatments have failed and there’s nothing else left to try.

6. Try one of the many different oils that help kill nail fungus. This includes tea tree oil — a smelly but effective antimicrobial agent — as well as grapefruit seed oil and thyme oil. Pure orange oil is also believed to work to cure toenail fungus, but very little evidence is available.

7. Use home remedies. These include a homemade mixture of rubbing alcohol and vinegar that’s said to be especially effective as well as snakeroot leaf extract — and even Vicks VapoRub applied before putting on socks.


You also might get good results from increasing your overall health with vitamin and mineral supplements that can improve your immune system. Massaging to improve circulation helps too. And the list goes on. It’s also important to clip away as much of the bad nail as possible as soon as you can to prevent spreading of the fungus and to allow treatments to get to the nail bed.

Whatever you do, don’t sit idly by and let the problem persist, getting worse and worse with each passing day. There are good options available to treat toenail fungus.

For more information, visit: http://www.mommyedition.com/how-to-get-rid-of-bad-toenail-fungus