5 Reasons to Restore a Damaged Tooth with a Dental Crown
When you have a damaged tooth, whether chipped or broken, it can damage your entire smile. Luckily, you can get a crown to restore your tooth. A crown is a cap that is glued to your old tooth. Sometimes, your dentist will file down your damaged tooth to a nub and then place the crown on top. A permanent crown should last for five to fifteen years, as long as it is done well and you take care of it.
Protects the Tooth from Further Damage
If your tooth is damaged, then it is weakened and vulnerable. Healthy teeth are strong and can withstand a lot, including biting into hard food. However, when a tooth is already fractured, chipped or otherwise damaged, you can easily fracture it or break it even more. This can lead to more extensive damage, including damage to the root. Additionally, you will end up in pain. A crown will cover up the damaged tooth, making it strong once again.
Protects the Root and Nerve
Your teeth protect a small root with a nerve inside. If there is damage to the nerve or root, it can cause larger problems including infections. Sometimes, an initial chip or fracture in a tooth does not reach the nerve, so you do not experience any pain. However, over time the tooth will continue to wear down, eventually reaching the nerve and creating a possibility for damage within the root and nerve. A crown covers the pulp tissue of the tooth, protecting the root and nerves.
Prevents Expensive, Invasive Procedures
If you get a crown on a damaged tooth right away, then you will keep you mouth and teeth healthy. However, if you leave your tooth damaged, it can lead to further problems that will require expensive and invasive procedures. You may end up needing a root canal, periodontal surgery, or other treatments. Like many treatments, if you catch your problem early and fix it with dental crowns, you will prevent worse damage and tougher procedures.
Saves the Healthy Part of the Tooth
Crowns just rebuild your broken or damaged tooth back to its original size and shape, using as much of your healthy tooth as possible. Your teeth provide part of the structure of your gum line which creates the contours of your face. If you ever have to get rid of the entire tooth, like extracting a tooth, then it can affect your smile and the structure of your tooth. A crown will maintain more of your jaw structure than if you had to lose a tooth.
Makes your Smile Perfect
A crown will make your smile perfect, especially if your damaged tooth is one of your front teeth. Your dentist will work to make the crown fit perfectly, looking identical to your old tooth. No one will even notice that you have a crown, as even the coloring will match the color of your other teeth. You will not have to feel embarrassed about having chipped, broken or fractured teeth.
If you find you have a damaged tooth, then you should discuss getting a crown with your dentist. It will protect your tooth, including the fragile nerve and root, while keeping your smile beautiful.
Foods For Healthy Teeth
You can prevent cavities and maintain basic dental hygiene for the health of teeth, and you should get healthy and nutritious diets which can help the teeth stay stronger and healthier. This blog can help you discover which healthy foods you should eat to gain nice smile with healthy teeth.
1. Healthy Celery
The celery is one of the great sources of the strongest weapon which can kill all the bacteria inside the mouth. Celery contains various benefits for dental health. Moreover, this kind of food will be able to produce more saliva in the mouth which can protect your teeth from the plaque production. You should eat a little of celery, one time per week to brush your teeth in the natural and healthy way.
2. Healthy Onions
If someone doesn’t scare the bad and stinky breath because of eating the raw onion, they are gaining the remarkable benefits of this healthy food. Onions can be the natural cleaner for your mouth by eliminating the harmful bacteria. It can kick bacteria away and prevent the tooth decay.
3. Healthy Sugar-Free Gums
You should chew a sugar-free gum after all the meals to prevent the tooth decay, and whiten your teeth in an effective way. The good sugar alternative in this kind of gums can prevent the bacteria and protect your tooth enamel. Moreover, keep chewing this sugar-free gum can strengthen your jaw and help you get more exciting.
4. Healthy Whole Grains
Whole grains such as wheat, brown rice, buckwheat, and oats are rich in complex carbohydrates, various vitamins and fiber. You should consume a lot of these foods to help you feel full in the long time while reducing the need of the metabolized protein for your energy in a long day. Whole grains improve your muscle tissues, they also protect your bone because they contains a volume of magnesium for the absorption. Therefore, whole grains can help your bones and your teeth become healthy and strong.
5. Healthy Green Leafy Vegetables
Many vegetables like broccoli or bok choy contain the high level of calcium. You should consume this kind of foods every day to get stronger bones. The healthy diet which is rich in these kinds of vegetables can promote the growth of bones by reducing the loss of calcium while supplying more calcium for your blood and bones. That is also the best way for you to get the strong and healthy teeth or cure grinding teeth.
6. Healthy Sardines
Sardines contain the high levels of Vitamin D and calcium. All these supplements play an important role in the growth of bones, especially teeth. You should add three ounces of these healthy sardines in your diet to get strong bones and healthy teeth.
This blog can show you 6 foods for healthy teeth. If you think my blog contains useful information, you can share it with your friends and family members. And if you like this topic, you are free to leave your comment below.
Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures
Cosmetic dentistry is an option that is available to patients who feel they need dental work done to repair any cosmetic features. From teeth whitening to braces, there are many options available to those who visit the dentist. Most dentists will offer some type of cosmetic procedures that will make you look better and feel better about your smile. Below are a few common procedures that one can expect when visiting the dentist for cosmetic services.
Teeth Whitening
This service is one that millions of people take advantage of. A beautiful smile starts with white teeth. Everyone wants to have pearly whites but it is common to have yellowing and staining of the teeth with the activities of everyday life. Smoking, coffee, soda and red wine are just a few items that can discolor your teeth.
A dentist can offer you many services that will whiten your teeth. These services can take place in office or with a kit from home. Your dentist will be able to view your teeth and determine which whitening option will work best for your situation.
Porcelain Dental Veneers
This option is one that can turn crooked or misshapen teeth into a beautiful smile. Sometimes a person has dental issues that are not taken care of until it is too late. This is when porcelain dental veneers can be used to produce a beautiful smile. A thin yet durable shell made of porcelain is added to the front of the teeth to create a new smile. These porcelain veneers can create a long-lasting beautiful look that is created to look natural with your mouth.
This option gives your teeth a resistant option for drinking coffee, tea or even smoking. You can conduct these activities without having to worry about staining or harming your now beautiful smile.
Another common option that both adults and children take advantage of are braces. This orthodontic treatment is one that can create a straight smile from crooked teeth. Adults or teens can have their teeth, jaws and lips aligned properly to create a beautiful smile. Several problems can be avoided by applying braces to the teeth including:
- Gum disease
- Chewing or swallowing issues
- Headaches
- Neck afflictions
- Speech impairments
Tooth decay and loss
Every situation is different so your dentist will have to review your teeth and determine what straightening and alignment system will work best for your needs. This way, you can have beautiful teeth in no time. This option comes in different colors and shapes and uses different materials. An orthodontist will be able to help with your condition after reviewing your teeth via an examination.
These three options are just a few of the many cosmetic choices that consumers have when considering cosmetic dentistry. These services can help to repair any teeth and mouth issues to make you look and feel better about your smile. When you can smile freely you will find that you are able to enjoy life much better. Contact your dentist to determine what type of cosmetic can benefit you.
Rachel Smith is a freelance writer who has immense knowledge in the healthcare sector. She also writes content Northwest Pharmacy.
Lecture on Dental Materials P3
And then the periodontal membrane is very much like what we see at the baseline of cartilage into bone. So it anchors the root into the alveolar bone. And so a lot of times when we talk about loss of bone it becomes loss of connection to the substrate of the bone structure. So you’ve got a bone line, or jaw bone, that runs underneath the teeth, the teeth are embedded deep into that bone structure.
So again just a little bit of the biology of the tissues, from the enamel you’ve got 96% mineral. So you’ve got 1% protein and lipid, remainder balance — small balance is water, they’re long crystals hexagonal in shape. So you’ve got little single crystals at the nanometer length scale. So again in terms of materials research, a lot to be learned here. They are 48 nanometers in their hexagonal diameter. But they are thousand nanometers in length.
Fluorine, and again we all have seen fluoride in our toothpaste, fluoride in water treatments. It renders the enamel much less soluble. So again it’s your first line of attack for wear assistance, it’s your first line of attack to any substructural damage or cavities if you will in the dentin and it’s really controlled by solubility. And there’s a lot of issues about pH and saliva quality as well. So depending on what dental journal you pick up the focus changes dramatically from a chemical loaded factor versus the mechanical load factor. And just the basic chemical composition of hydroxyapatite. So again just highly crystalline structure predominantly isotropic relative to the role of dentin.
So again this is a more fibrillar structure, so here’s our dentin, you’ve got type 1 collagen fibrils, you still have nanocrystalline apatite, but this time they’re dispersed. You’ve got tubules from that dentin enamel and the cementum enamel junctions to the pulp. So again those tubules are radiating out all the way around and those channels are passed through the odontoblast. So that’s your dentin forming cells. So again a lot of similarity to osteoblasts which build bone during the basic process of remodeling or dentin formation and then you’ve got mineralized collagen fibrils. So again not so dissimilar from bone, you’ve got a lot of collagen in bone but you’ve got a lot of mineralization and these are arranged orthogonal to the tubules. And so again you’ve got a fibrous component that gives you ductility and then you’ve got a rigid component that gives you hardness and strength. And then you’ve got inter-tubular dentin matrix again with nanocrystalline structures. So you’ve got a really unique microstructure built in here. So nanocrystalline and isotropic, highly oriented for very specialized properties.
And then just a relative comparison, there’s lots of places that you can find properties. Again just a comment, this is actually taken out of Biomaterials, the textbook by Park and Lakes, podcast here, (inaudible) correct which is a reasonably good book, because the nice job of reviewing things, it’s just a lot of times he has to rely on what the current literature was at the time and in doing so what you will immediately see is that there is singular values plotted here. So for enamel you see a basic density of 2.2 versus dentin of 1.9. So that makes sense, you’ve got a highly crystalline structure, a lot of repeatability, a lot of ability in spatial form to pack a lot of very tight crystals together. So you’ve got higher density. Dentin, you’ve got radiated tubules, you’ve got more fibrous structures, so you expect the density to be lower.
Elastic modulus, so again this is just a chart that I took from that book. It just gives you a singular tensile modulus. So you might ask yourself, is that the modules that I want? Probably I’d be thinking about compressive modulus, I might be thinking about shear modulus, I might even think about flexural modulus. Those tests are really – how do you — so then, okay that’s easy to be at the critic how do I get those properties, which brings us back to that earlier plot, how do you dissect enamel which has got a length scale that’s very small and how do you get those properties? And so you tend to get a globally averaged value, you isolate it and you get a parameter that gives you a measure and then 48, what they don’t tend to give you in the older literature is 48 plus or minus what? Right, so how many of you are doing biological research? Okay. You want to take a guess of what the plus or minus what would be? At least try. Chang, nanoindentation work, plus or minus what percentage? So variations and that sounds like we don’t know how we are doing in the lab, right?
But the variations between one person’s tooth versus another, so what’s your population that gave you that data? What was the orientation of that? What was the quality? And so just to encourage you to think about these things when you see these lot of textbooks, right? Because everything is nice and easy, there’s little – there’s the chart right there, they put it here for a reason, because they are there, it’s a singular value 48 gigapascals. So what it — the take home message there would be it’s deep. Okay. it’s the hardest material in the body, it’s highly crystalline, so it’s got a high density, you expect it to have high hardness, high modulus. But don’t ever assume that when you see a singular value in biological tissues, that value has meaning, okay. That is a representation for a given set of data and only a given set of data.
Same thing, at least now we know we’re talking about compressive strength, right? So again that would be globally averaged from real compressive tests but again we have to take that from what’s the source, are these 20 to 30-year-olds, are they, as Rob said, are they the people that haven’t had alcohol in their mouth, that makes a difference in the tooth structure. So there’s also parameters with the environment, and again just relative to dentin, so what I tend to — my general rule is this, I tend to look qualitatively at data when I see these things. So I am more interested in comparisons. We expect that the density is higher for enamel versus dentin that’s there. We expect to have a much greater stiffness for the enamel versus the dentin, that’s there. We expect to have a much better compressive strength for the protective enamel coating, again that’s there. It’s not that this isn’t a good starting point, it’s just that you should expect a pretty large standard deviation because of the biological variations between people and the variations in just basic biological structures.
And then we’re going to look at these again in a moment as well, thermal expansion coefficients. So that gets tricky too, when we think about thermal expansion coefficient measurements, I don’t know if any of you have ever done this, it’s really nice when the material is isotropic, right, because we can then run it through a delta T, and we can make displacement measurement, and we can say well, thermal expansion coefficient for steel is X and have some confidence in that number with a really tight standard deviation. When we start thinking about thermal expansion coefficients for dental or other tissues, we really get stuck with what’s the orientation effects because obviously fibrils are going to orient or expand differently in one direction and then will in a different direction. So again, you tend to get globally averaged values and probably if you look in the literature you won’t see thermal expansion properties of any other tissue, but dental tissues for the reason I mentioned before. So for the most part we take the body to be 37C, but we assume that the mouth gets loaded not just mechanically but thermally.
Comments on the mechanical property aspects, I don’t mean to be negative, it’s just — I want a great sense of awareness I think from the class, so you’re going to your case studies, I think the case studies we’ve chosen for you that come from the literature are from good scientific groups. You always want to be looking at these papers with a critic’s eye. You always want to be thinking about what were the conditions for which the data was collected, what are the conditions for which the analysis is done, so when you’re looking at failures what’s the pool, are you looking at pools of athletes for these implants, are you looking at pools of people who chew eight packs of gum a day versus one pack of gum a day, there’s all sorts of conditions that you want to think about.
So for our dental biomaterials we’re going to see a lot of similarities of what we’ve seen in orthopedics but we’re going to see some subtleties. Again we’re going to touch on the one subtlety, which is temperature. Amalgams which was much more common in older days, but we still refer to that technology today, or what we loosely call fillings. So if any of you ever had a cavity and again cavities are not nearly as prevalent as they were before, we have fluoride treatments.
Implants, again you could have loss of tooth for a number of reasons, right? You could have loss of tooth because of loss of structural support. So you could actually have loss of support of the underlying bone. You could have poor mechanical loading of the teeth itself. You could have a brawl in the bar. You could play hockey. There’s number of reasons that one can lose a tooth. And with that there’s a lot of technology involved in what do you do to restore a tooth. The worst thing you can do is not put the tooth back in, because when you don’t put the tooth back in, then all the other teeth get loaded in a flexural mode because the bending orientation’s changed. All the stresses on the underlying bone structure of the jaw also change and so again you just start a process essentially like osteoarthritis where you get some of those effects, or osteolysis where you change the bone structure and then you actually start to have bone loss.
So when we look at fillings, again we’re going to look at just a few scenarios. Amalgams, acrylic resins, so this would be polymer resins or polymethyl methacrylate type resins. Titanium dominates when we look at dental materials, because when we look at either tying into the jawbone or for support you’ll notice – in fact, you will notice a very similar technology to what we see in orthopedics, right? You will see a polyethylene liner, you see titanium backing but you get really osseointegration, you get good mechanical loading, when you talk about anything that gets embedded into the jawbone you’ve got a 99% chance that it’s titanium based.
Teeth, again when we talk about the tooth itself, you’re talking about the crown, you’re talking about – if someone actually needs the dental implant, you don’t give them a titanium tooth, we give them a titanium abutment substructure and then you attach to that porcelain a resin or ceramic, right?
Braces, pretty much dominated by two materials: stainless steel, which are continually loaded through plastic deformation or tightening of the wire or Nitinol, which is a constant low-force mechanism and then again, your basic acrylic resins, so this is really where we borrowed in orthopedics this whole technology of having a very good adhesive that could bond between bone and a metal. So we learned a lot from adhesive technology from the dental community. So the whole acrylic-based polymer what also builds us bone cement came from dentistry.
So again, motivation to replace a tooth, there’s is root support and chewing efficiency, there’s prevention of bone resorption, but most of all it’s cosmetic, right? Most people don’t want to walk around without a tooth present. So there’s the cosmetic component of all that. But there is a real mechanical issue here, so there is root support and actual prevention of bone resorption. So it’s very similar to the stress shielding issue, you need to have bone loading, which would have come from the tooth and you need that stress transported back to the underlying bone, you take the tooth away, you take the stress away, you take the bone away and when the bone resorbs, then the adjacent teeth go. And so what starts as a slightly unpleasant cosmetic appearance becomes a very unpleasant cosmetic appearance very quickly.