Disease and Biological Dentistry P2
Let’s talk about bacterial endocarditis. So bacterial endocarditis is an infection of endocardium affecting the inner lining of the heart and its valves, mainly the valves. Now is bacterial infective endocarditis that rare? Well, it’s hard to say because it isn’t seen and it is not diagnosed that often. Now here’s a more broader definition of bacterial endocarditis rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever, nowadays you don’t hear about that much either, right? It’s an acute inflammatory complication of this strap bacteria, and it affects the joints, the brain and the heart, right, because it’s followed — it’s characterized by arthritis, chorea against central nervous system distress and Carditis, heart pain. So with residual heart disease as a possible sequel event.
So this is usually after dental drilling or some kind of trauma or like that the patient comes home and they get severe flu and then they go to the doctor and they are diagnosed with rheumatic fever. So what did Weston Price say that the two worst things were in life in regard to stress to our immune system? What were the two worst challenges in life? Divorce and death. You’re close. So Dr. Price said the two biggest challenges to our immune system in life are pregnancy, it’s a big deal, a woman has to really be taken care of, nourished, and flu for he lived through the 1918 flu. But this is what this rheumatic fever is. It’s characterized by like flulike symptoms which are sometimes diagnosed as rheumatic fever often missed.
Rheumatic disease just to review, this is any disease of streptococcal bacterial origin. Now again this used to be a lot more common and talked about in the 1950s, 1940s but then when antibiotics came in, as soon as you gave an antibiotic, yes that did reduce the symptoms. So it’s not talked about so much. But we know what the antibiotics do, they kill some bugs, other ones cause later problems. So as biological dentists and physicians and practitioners, we know about silent focal infections. That’s why I love this group because we’re very aware of these chronic silent focal infections that conventional dentists and doctors aren’t aware of at all and sadly, holistic practitioners and physicians aren’t very aware of at all.
So what are typical focal infections? The dental tonsils, sinus, genital, other foci, and what do these focal infections do? They are chronically like a machine generating pathogenic bacteria and they are going to migrate and metastasize typically to what’s called rheumatic disturbed fields in the body, rheumatic streptococcal related places that make a happy home for strep bacteria where strep bacteria like to live. And there are five main rheumatic disturbed fields. First of all, the heart, again the endocarditis to the valves, rheumatic fever includes all of these — three of these areas. Joints chronic rheumatoid arthritis, kidney’s acute chronic glomerular nephritis, the gut, appendicitis, stomach duodenal ulcers, and we already talked about the brain. In the old days they called it chorea, nowadays we call it Tourette’s. It’s really the same thing.
It is interesting Tourette’s was diagnosed or identified by a Frenchman Tourette in an 86-year-old woman in the 1880s, unusual? Because nowadays we see it in children and teens and usually after that except for 10% of the time the patient adapts and it’s not so obvious those kind of symptoms or they grow out of it as they say. PANDAS, Grandas and then this whole epidemic of ADD, ADHD, hyperactivity in kids, all manifestations of strep bacteria. So I want to mention Edward Rosenow. Who knows Edward Rosenow? Such an amazing man and if you do get my book, I hope you will read that history as well (inaudible) to my next book the price of root canals, the turn of the 20th century was just amazing. That was just the hallmark, that was the time of focal infection theory that was just exploding, and we had an incredible research that — doing root canals became such a thing, giving antibiotics in the ‘30s and ‘40s, which was huge backlash to that and then it all died. And we are the ones taking up the reins on that and telling people, yes, focal infections are real, we have to address them. You can’t diagnose what you don’t know about and treat.
So Rosenow was considered a research genius. Later Mayo Institute recruited him because he was an amazing biologist, amazing man and he found that streptococcal bacteria loved this partial tension of oxygen, they don’t like anaerobic areas without oxygen, they don’t like aerobic areas, they like this partial tension of oxygen. And also that streptococci along with that had a specific pathogenic affinity for certain tissues. Well, what are those certain tissues? They love the heart valves. Again that’s a partial oxygen environment, mitral valve first, aortic valve, second, very common for patients to come in with some kind of diagnosis of mitral valve disease, minor or moderate or significant, usually minor to moderate, it’s a very common finding in what it is strep bacteria metastasizing to that heart valve. And it can be mitral valve prolapse, stenosis or more serious regurgitation.
The strep bacteria also love the joints, they love the joint capsule, that synovial fluid, very warm, nice, happy little environment for them. That’s why we have so much arthritis, again partial tension of oxygen partly oxygenated, same thing with the kidney glomeruli, same thing with the frontal cortex in the brain, all these tissues are very good areas for the Streptococcus to live and to thrive. So Rosenow did this same research that Dr. Price did too and we all know this research that Dr. Price in Cleveland, Rosenow was at Rush medical College in Chicago. Dr. Price was in Cleveland, there was a lot going on in the Midwest. Midwest was really popping band with all these scientists studying focal infections. So Dr. Price put together a team of 60 leading scientists, what an amazing man and that included Dr. Milton Rosenau, not the same one of Harvard Charles Mayo or Rochester, we know what he ended up doing at Mayo clinic. Dr. Frank Billings of Chicago at Rush medical College who also — that’s where Rosenau worked and what he would find is, if he took an infected tooth and infected root canal tooth from a patient with heart disease and pulled that tooth, extracted it, cavitated it well I hope and then he put it under the skin of a rabbit that would develop the same disease, whether it was ovarian disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, heart disease, skin disease, anything. So it was so well correlated. It was amazing. It is almost like that strep bacteria had grown to that particular affinity and then it would want to go to that same place in that animal, right? I was in a joint before, I’m going to go to a joint again, wanted to find a home again, right?
So I know a lot of you know about Price’s research on this and a lot of other doctors did research and found the same issue. Now later on detractors which we are feeling because this focal infection theory isn’t popular nowadays. Detractors tried to do the same thing other scientists did and they didn’t do it properly. They didn’t put the strep bacteria, they didn’t keep it in a partial oxygen environment. They said [it isn’t true]. So you have to do the research correctly.
So let’s talk about focal infection parlance, I got to see tons of old friends here. Maybe some of you are new and don’t realize that our biological demo group, we’re very into vocal infections, the diagnosis and treatment of those. So the two main ones of course the teeth and the tonsils, that’s the cause, okay, and the disturbed fields is the area, the rheumatic field area like the heart valves or the hip joint or the kidneys or the brain. So if you have an impacted wisdom teeth, often those are silent with intermittent little pain and swelling. You are not even thinking about your heart. Or if you have a root canal infected or if you have an abscessed tooth or if you have incompletely extracted wisdom tooth. In the focal infection site there all of these areas continually generate bacteria and go to susceptible areas in that patient and of course the patient — there’s also the patient’s miasm, right, or condition or heredity, but really those of us that know about epigenetic nowadays that it’s really not the genetics itself, genetics is really only 5 to 10% of the time the problem. Epigenetic says you can completely change your life based on your environment. You don’t have to be prone to heart disease just because your family was or your ancestors were.
So I love this quote from Dr. Price, modern medicine is mistaking effect for cause. Modern medicine is mistaking effect for cause. So as we said this may be a new slide – no, do you have this in your slide? Okay, sorry, I added a few new slides. So I just love this quote, treating a patient’s joint or heart disease without examining the strong possibility of a focal infection in the teeth or tonsils, when doctors are doing that they are treating the effect, the symptom, rather than the true cause of the problem, the focus. Now the problem is patients come to us and talk about their hip joint or their heart pang. They don’t come into you guys that know about dental focal infections. They’re just talking about teeth.
So as biological physicians and practitioners we – the teeth information as biological dentists, you all need to list it as you do the whole systemic history, the whole history on what’s going on in the body. But this is so important, meaning that as biological dentists and physicians we’ve got to treat upstream, not just downstream. We’ve got to treat the cause and dental and tonsil focal infections are epidemic, every single one of you in this room probably has one or the other.
Now [Spransky] was a renowned Russian physiologist and he talked about this trigger factor and he was saying that chronic relatively silent dental focal infections can flare up from the second insult and I just added as dental cleaning, drilling, extractions. So again what we don’t want to do when we have this bacteremia in the bloodstream is that we don’t want to trigger a dormant heart disturbed field and be part of the cause of a heart attack in three weeks or triggers more bacteria to load onto the patient who already has existing dental and tonsil focal infections, already has a lot of bacteria on board. So what can we do? So silent heart disease, little bit more about the mitral valve, the mitral valve is the main valve that gets injured. This is very common mitral valve disease. It’s the most commonly disturbed and infiltrated and infected valve than the heart, the second is the aortic, third tricuspid.
Now again heart disease even though it’s a disturbed field and we’re saying disturbed fields are usually symptomatic. This disturbed field is usually rather asymptomatic patients. Sometimes they have palpitations, shortness of breath, apnea, angina, heart pain and fatigue but often this deposition of strep bacteria causes very little symptoms. Mitral valve disease, rheumatic heart disease without a history of rheumatic fever, well as we said rheumatic fever flu gets missed all the time depending how strong the symptoms, often undiagnosed, or you take antibiotics prophylactically and you just never know you have it, which some people will say, well that’s good but there are better choices.
Infographic: The Best Homemade Toothpaste
The Dangers of Mainstream Dentistry P3
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: you can get it all day long. If you’re a nurse, great. You can get it and IV yourself. If you’re not a nurse and know a nurse maybe you can get the nurse you know to IV. by the way you don’t have to have , unless you’re having figuration of the hear , you don’t java to have IV at the time you’re getting the dentistry. You walk out and put the IV in. that would have taken care of its potential infection like this, without hurting him in the process.
I only know two dentist that will only do it to people they know in the whole United States. We probably have 3,000 dentist in the United States and I only know two. I spend a lot of time questioning and talking to people about this stuff. I don’t know who you’re going to find they may be somebody here, you may also want to find a nurse. IV is pretty easy to give you.
When they pull it out make sure you have a competent dentist because if they pull it out and leave fragmentation in it’s still not going to drain. When I had mine removed I could actually feel eight months later and taste eight months later infection coming out of my mouth. I had on and off pain consistently up in the jaw it would become sensitive or become numb. It really took three months before that went away and eight months before the test went away. That’s bacteria coming out of your body.
The bridge is not going to prevent that from draining. The key with the bridge is that you want a complete composite. You don’t want nickel on the bridge. A cheap bridge they will put nickel on than you won’t have your problem but you’ll have rashes.
The white fillings are called composite. Gold fillings are better than mercury fillings but still they put electromagnetic frequency in the body. We should get rid of past, we should get rid of tooth brushes. Be everyone starting today should get a water picker device called a water cleansing mouth device.
In that device you’ll put some of the period liquid. Not only is it stimulating blood, cleaning better than possible but it’s also disinfecting the mouth.
Audience: I have a root canal. I’ve got an abyss now on my gum. they told me to take garlic, I’ve been told to take the antibiotics, I’ve been told to take some grass seed as well but if I’m going to get it extracted now what’s the preparation for extraction ?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: very similar, you fast but in this case have you ever fasted before?
Audience: like a juice fast or a complete fast?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: just juice.
Audience: yes
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: green juices not fruit juices. If you could do it for three days. You can do it the day before, the day of and the day after. Do saunas, do an aerobic exercise. you’re used to fasting , your blood sugar is stable , great time to really perspire a lot . , copies amount of liquid or whatever you weight do double the amount that day and really flush. When we talk about juices we’re talking about sprout justices, green juices not carrot juice and beet juice.
Chlorella not only takes care of heavy metals. It boosts the immune system, corrects the chromosome damage that you’ve done thorough what our lifestyles have caused and equally takes away biology. We can’t say this but there is evidential science and Nadia can explain this to you that it even directly helps cancer in the body.
Audience: is there something you can administer for the pain, like an aesthetic, would you do that to cool your contraction?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: it depends upon the person. How many of you have high thresholds of pain? Like my wife if you scream and say you’re going to go to a dentist that’s when she needs acupuncture. There’s people with hypersensitivity and if you’re one of those would do it ahead of time.
Audience: when you said about losing memory, I had an emergency operation long ago where I had a lot of aesthetic and since then my memory is rubbish.
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: what was the surgery?
Audience: I had an emergency <inaudible>when I had my child, I was put on epidural. Since then my memory is bad. What can I do about it?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: let me explain where most of this comes from. anaesthetic is a usual suspect but it has been determine now in the archives of medico that more than 80% of memory loss comes because oxygen didn’t not go to your Bain for a period of time. During the surgical procedure this is common with bi pass surgeries.
There is a cardio vascular aspect to having a cessation. What may have happened is that you stopped breathing, they didn’t get enough oxygen to your brain. All it takes is thirty seconds. If you go above a minute you’re in real trouble, a minute and a half and you’re a real goner.
Audience: what do I do about it?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: first you need to do oxygen therapy. What we do at hypocrites and what the German have thought the world id so you exercise?
Audience: just walking
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: that’s not enough. At my house I have an elliptical machine. They are much better than running because you don’t have stress on your body. All of the forty year olds and fifty years olds show up at the institute with bad knees, bad aback, arthritis etc. I like no stress exercise and right next to that machine as we have at the hypocrite’s gym we have oxygen condensers.
When people come in they can check it, they get oxygen to their nose and as you’re doing aerobic exercise you clean. Hands down this is by far the best thing I can tell you to do to bring back memory.
Secondly we created a product, I think Melanie has it here called phys-neur oil where you can get it shipped across the pond. I specifically created this for neuron damage in the brain. The number one oil it has in it is cranberry seed oil. All the major work that was done on neuron reconstruction, redevelopment and health recovery shows cranberry seed oil by far up here. Second I have black raspberry, second best and then I put for body and a little bit the brain not as much is some hemp and some flax oil.
Hands down, oxygen to the brain, oil over here. 70% of the population lacks b12. I don’t care if you eat meat, fish, cheese you’re most likely lacking b12. Life give is available here in London and in Europe that’s the one to take.
audience: I’ve got to tell you I’ve got root canal work done almost a year and I’ve got irregular heart beat and irregular breast cancer.
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: tell me what I said boar Germany. 167 000 women, more than 60% had a root canal in one or both of the teeth that related to the breast. When you see a study like that no legitimate doctor or scientist will ever suspect that that’s not a major contributor to breast cancer.
Audience: I recently had a root canal because I have lung cancer but I didn’t have lung cancer before that, I’m not saying that it’s directly related to that. I saw the dentist on Friday he seems to think that maybe it’s something that was <inaudible> and I’m just wondering is it something that takes and forms in six months
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: let me explain what a dentist is. A dentist goes to medical school. They’re literally a medical doctor who has a speciality in dentistry. They really are medical doctors that’s why most of them are still doing bad things to you.
If it is infect what they suspect there’s a 99.9% chance it will come out and so I will let it go its course. If in six months put it on your calendar, then you’ve got to go to somebody to look more. I would do a thermography of we’re talking the end of this year and see if inflammatory things are happening. This is not an x-ray, it’s better than an x ray it picks up heat and inflammation in the body. These a widely used to look at cancer. It’s not common because the pharmaceuticals don’t make money on this.
If you have a problem six months from now it’s probably going to be gone by the end of the summer. The time these things correct is when it’s hot. It should come out naturally. Are you living well?
Audience: yes
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: its nothing to worry about let me put it that way.
audience: I don’t have a question I just wanted to share that I had fillings removed three years ago by a dentist inn London and he’s an incredible doctor who has done more than what he suggested . I told him about thoughts lecture but he’s not here tonight. His name is Doctor El-Gassaway. I think his website is holisticdentistry.com. If you Google those key words. He is an amazing individual. He’s the most caring person I’ve ever met and he’s passionate about what he does.
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: let’s imagine that some of these people are not economically endowed is he the kind of guy you can go to?
Audience: yes he is extremely generous from his heart. He’s on Harley’s Duke. He’s been doing this for a very long time and what brought him in to this is that he was a big <inaudible> and so t just became his life and passionate.
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: that’s a great suggestion. These are the kind of doctors I love. They had the disease, they had the problems. They become missionaries for these stuff. The best doctors are like that when they reverse the disease.
Audience: I had a root canal done by a Marian <inaudible>. He’s an amazing dentist. I always felt that ever since something was not right. so my question is I still have all my teeth , unfortunately now I know it’s not so great but I do have probably at least 3 or 4 root canals and they’re all fine. Now I know this isn’t right. Is there any chance for me to have them re opened and closed properly?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: remember the guy I talked about with the space suit that’s the kind of thing those people do. most dentist and even I were an alternative dentist I probably wouldn’t do it because if I reopen a tooth that has an infection in it the susceptibility of getting a grand infection is heightened. Pulling it would be a better route.
Audience: I have a question, with all the natural approaches and the fact that they heal and the body is so extraordinary. How is it that there is this one area in our body that can’t take care of its self?
DR BRIAN CLEMENT: it’s an interesting thing. It’s probably the most abused part of the human anatomy. There’s nothing more abused than the mouth. If you think about what we’ve done with our mouth. When I look back and my wife and were sitting and looking at thousands of people swabbing their mouths and saying how come we haven’t had that.
We realize that it must have been in the natural state of affairs. That the human body devolved and not evolved into allowing spiral k and bacteria to prominate and to live in that area.
Secondly look at what we’re eating. Most health food diets are incredibly high in sugar. let’s imagine that you’re the rare person who says I’m not going to take honey , I’m not going to take maple syrup, I’m not going to take white sugar but I’m still going to eat bread and potatoes and pastas. Guess what you’re getting sugar around the bout ways. I eat things that will create sugar in my mouth. All of these things are going to fee d what we have devolved our bodies into having, this bacteria states, these spiral k state.
Common Solutions for Lower Back Problems
Whether you are a weekend warrior or a professional athlete there is a chance that you have suffered from some type of back problem in your life. While many times these aches and pains go away quickly, others seem to linger. For those that have these issues we offer simple solutions to help with your back problems.
Whirlpool Treatment: The power of heat is a great solution for those who suffer constant back pain. Not only does the heat warm up your lower back, but it also lets you stretch the muscles. For those who have a gym membership or have access to a hot tub, I would suggest 15 minute intervals with at least 15 minutes of rest in between.
Inversion Tables: One of the best friends for anyone with a back issue is an inversion table. An inversion table lets a person hang upside down to fix their back issues. One thing is that not all of these tables are the same and that is why it is recommended to get an inversion table review online before purchasing one of these great tools. Teeter Hang Ups and Ironman are just a few of the most popular models that get great reviews.

Stretching Exercises: We recommend stretching exercises for people who have enough flexibility to hold a stretch for at least 45 seconds. We don’t recommend certain stretches if one has a back problem where they can’t bend down without extreme discomfort.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a great tool for those who have had constant back pain and are looking for an alternative solution. Many professional athletes have added weekly accupuncture to their regime as it helps keep them loose and ready to play.
Ice Treatments: Ice can be a best friend to those looking to heel quickly after a back injury. It is necessary to use ice in shifts like you do a whirlpool as too much ice at one time will not help. Ice, Rest, Ice, Rest is a common strategy for those looking to heel an ailing back.
Having a lower back problem is something that almost all of us have had at one time or another. With that being said, the following tips above can help you fix those problems in no time.
High Capacity (Quality) Dentistry
see the video: http://vimeo.com/66419383
Dr. Lavine:
Well, we’re going to go ahead and get started here. Welcome, everyone. This is Dr. Lorne Lavine. Many of you know me as the Digital Dentist. Many of you are aware of the fact that I’ve been doing these webinars for a number of years. I’ve done close to 160 webinars, and anytime I present a new speaker, a new topic, I’m always a little nervous. I never know how many people are going to register. My fears were very much unfounded tonight because, as of this morning, we had over 725 people that were registered for the webinar, and a good chunk of you are already here.
I’m only going to speak for a couple of minutes. I want to make sure that Dr. Griffin can talk for as long as he’d like. He also said he wants to leave as much time as possible for questions in the end. All of you, on your screen, if you haven’t been on a webinar before, you should see a little webinar Go To Panel. You can go ahead and type your questions as you think about them. We’re probably not going to get to the questions until Chris is done speaking, but as you think about them, type them in. We’re going to do our best to get to all those questions by the end of the evening.
Within a couple of days, you’re all going to get a number of things. First off, when you log out tonight, just indicate if you would like Dr. Griffin or myself to follow up with you. That only takes a few seconds to fill that out. We are recording this webinar. So, in case you can’t stay until the end or you get distracted, don’t worry about it. All of you will be sent a link the next day or so that you can download the entire webinar so that you won’t miss a thing.
Again, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Dr. Lorne Lavine, and many of you have hear of me before. I’m sure. Many call me the Digital Dentist. What I’ve tried to do over the last number of years is present webinars that I think are interesting. They may not be my areas of expertise, which is technology and computers and networking and data backup, but, really, the focus here is just to provide some content that I think is interesting and stimulating. If it’s controversial, it’s okay, but at the end of the day, it’s got to be something valuable. I have no doubt that we’re going to hit on all those things tonight.
Tonight’s presentation is called “High Capacity Dentistry”, and I was talking to our speaker before. It’s just amazing some of the concepts that he has been able to develop. There’s something which he calls his high capacity dental blueprint, which was created over 100 years ago, but it’s only been recently that it’s been rediscovered and translated into modern practice. It pretty much works every time it’s tried. We’re certainly going to hit on that.
What are the seven deadly dental waste that almost every practice suffers, and how do you get rid of it? Does is really require terminating people, which is what we all want to avoid? What about the seven ways to stay relevant within the next three years and lay a foundation for the practice of tomorrow? I’m sure many of you are wondering what the most overlooked daily production booster in the history of practice is. We’ll talk about that. When it comes to something like diagnosing, is there a process? We’re going to look at his three step diagnosis that pretty much eliminates case rejection. These are all things.
It really gives me great pleasure tonight to introduce Dr. Chris Griffin. Most of us know Dr. Woody. He’s one of the most educated dental educators. He’s called Dr. Griffin as “Ripley’s Believe or Not Dentist”, and it’s a play on the fact that his practice is in a town called Ripley, Mississippi. It’s a small town. There’s five other dentists there, but he is not competing with them. He’s just dominating over them.
He’s got 3000 active patients. He routinely schedules over 50 patients each and every month. He’s been called the most efficient man in dentistry, and he’s practically giving away some of his practice secrets. So, it really gives me great pleasure to turn the screen and the mic over to Chris. Chris, we are so excited to have you hear tonight and really looking forward to tonight’s presentation.
Dr. Griffin:
Lorne, hey man. It is such an honor and such a pleasure to be talking to you and your folks. Honestly, I don’t speak a lot to people. I know there are a lot of people who have registered for this, it looks like, are on the West Coast and of course all over the country and all over North America, too, but I don’t speak a lot to people out West.
So, first off, let me just apologize for my accent. I promise you I’ve tried to get rid of it. There’s not much I can do about it. I’m from Mississippi, born and raised. I grew up in a farm. It’s the truth, and that’s just the way that I talk. So, forgive me for that, but I think I got a lot to share with everybody that’ll help everybody out. So, whenever you say “go” Lorne, I’ll just head out and start talking about it. I guess that’s my okay.
Dr. Lavine:
Yeah. You go for it, Chris. We’re ready.
Dr. Griffin:
Okay. Alright. So, first off, let me just go ahead and show this. I went ahead and took the liberty because a couple of things I’m going to be talking about, when I’m giving lectures like this to big groups, a lot of times, we’ll print out worksheets that help you follow along with the lecture. It’s not completely necessary that you have this worksheet, but I put a couple of items on a website for you.
So, if you get a chance, you can go to my company website, www.thecapacityacademy.com/digital-dentist. That’s for Dr. Lorne, and we put these sheets on there just to help you follow along. We’re not going to even talk about the part of the worksheet probably for a little while, but it’s there if you need it.
Alright, about me. Let’s just talk a touch about me, and I don’t want to talk long about me because that’s not why you’re here. You here to help your practice, and I want you to help your practice. You probably need to know where I’m coming from and how I came to these conclusions that I’ve drawn.
In high school, I was the kid that was always really good at math. So, that led me to think that I wanted a career in engineering. I went to Mississippi State University. That’s 110 miles from my house. That’s the furthest I’ve been from home at that time, and I go down there. I’m happy as could be in engineering school. Actually, I had a roommate, a good friend from [06:39]. This will just show you how jealous I am. He just had his company valued at $1 billion, and I just couldn’t be happier. I was the guy that was pulling him through all those classes at State, but now he’s the famous guy. That’s okay.
So, we’re down in Mississippi State. We’re doing engineering, and we love it. About my junior year, it came time to decide if I was going to be serious about engineering. I had to go get a job at an engineering firm for a summer job. So, I was getting ready to do that. About that time, I was approached by my family dentist, and he said, “Well, Chris. I believe you’d do real well in dental school. Why don’t you go to dental school and come back and be my partner in Ripley, Mississippi?” I thought, “That sounds a lot better than me going to Houston, Texas to work for an old company,” because I’d never really been far from home.
So, I had the engineering background, but in my third year at Mississippi State, I went ahead and swapped my majors. I finished up all my core curriculum, got accepted in dental school after three years, went to University of Tennessee, and I got out. I thought, “Hey, the rest of my life I’m going to go with my family dentist, and we’re going to be happy. This is going to last forever. We’re going to have one of the best practices in North Mississippi.”
How many times does it work out when you’re going with your hometown dentist and you just think it’s going to work out? Well, I can tell you. In my class of 90 people, about 70 went in with someone in their first year out of school, and I think 69 of them did not work out. So, it’s very uncommon for it to work out. I was no different. We had a split up. It got a little bit ugly.
I ended up building a practice here in Ripley because I didn’t sign a [08:23] because I’m from here. I wouldn’t have done that. So, I’m building a practice, and it’s tough. Actually, a lot of building, bought some land and remodeled it in less than 90 days. We remodeled the whole thing, me and one guy doing all the work ourselves, working 14 hour days. I personally did that, did the construction work myself, and I build the building. We’re open.
Things are going good. I’m thinking, “Great. We’re going to have a great general practice.” Within six months, I started liking cosmetic dentistry. Now, if you think back to the 1990s when I was doing this, it was probably the peak of cosmetic dentistry. So, what did I do? I thought, “Let’s just go ahead and sign up for the big institutes.”
So, I went out to one institute out West a bunch of times, a bunch of money. I got pretty good at doing veneers, pretty good at doing all porcelain work. I was somewhat good at doing full mouth reconstruction, and then, I thought, “These full mouth reconstructions. They work sometimes, but other times they don’t work that well.”
So, I went down to an institute down in Florida, went there a bunch of times, and I got in. So, I felt I’m really educated. So, I come back to Ripley, and what do you do when you think you’re so well educated? You say, “I have a nice general practice, but I think I’m just going to try to have a completely cosmetic boutique practice in a town of 6,500 blue collar workers whose main industry which is a furniture factory just closed.”
Now, you would have I would have better common sense that that, but I didn’t because I thought I’m such an amazingly skilled great dentist now that I can just do it anywhere. At the institutes they tell you that you can do any kind of practice anywhere, and I believed them. I was gullible and young. I got out of dental school when I was 24 so at this time, I was still 25, 26. I’m obviously not very wise, but I tried it for a few years.
I just about ran the practice into the ground. I just about went broke, and that’s embarrassing. My grandfather had actually put down some money for me to start the practice. It’s all very embarrassing. I’m not doing well. I was always the golden child. I always thought I was going to be the guy to beat the world, and here I am failing.
3D Cat Scans in Dentistry P2
As biologic dentist we go with the concept of trying to see the whole body, the head and neck is part of the whole. Frond, Darwin, Einstein, Adam, Smith were considered hedgehogs. Even though it may seem to be simple it’s not really. He had a model that you could look at and these three spheres in the centre, the black area that he called the hedgehog concept.
What are you deeply passionate about? This is for companies, this sent for us. What can you be the best in the world at? Those were his words and I thought it was intimidating but at least what can you be great at and what drives your economic engine. He talks about technology and I think that’s important because he says technology can become an accelerator of momentum but not a creator of it and so I thought that it was important to talk to this group about. I’m not here to tell you that if you get a cat scan you are now a biologic dentist and you’ve got all the answers but the technology is important and he goes on to say ” does the technology fit directly with your hedgehog concept? If it does then you need to become a pioneer in it “and I think that’s true. my hedgehog concepts gets rid of mercury , eliminate infection , reduce or eliminate metals , do excellent dentistry and compliment the dentistry with physiological support.
I’ve spent a lot of time looking at the whole body. I’ve spent the time with D Trek and Dr Amira and I’ve went for almost ten years of spending at least forty years in CE. You guys are the exception but you also know that the average dentist in the country gets one day of CE per year. The 3D act scan as I say is a state of the art for detecting infections today. it shows us what we already knew about root canal therapy, protects us from even more problems and you can see that with the technology it’s going to give us a leg up and an advantage with dealing with anybody that comes in and say ” why did you do this?” I did this because I had hard evidence that this is a problem. It absolutely creates more dentistry. If you find problems and the patient sees the problem then they want to OD something about it almost always. From a practise management point of view it sets us apart from the state of the art and it does a lot more.
This is a traditional scat that we are all somewhat familiar with. How does it work? A single rotation similar to a panoramic film, cone spade beam, 85 kilovolts and these Rona they claimed to have less than some of the other manufacturers. This is what it looks like. It looks very similar to a panoramic. Patients can stand up in it or you can sit down if there’s a wheelchair. This is the traditional medical model of the CAT scan.
The dental 3D uses a cone shaped beam and captures the entire area in a single rotation. There’s a little bit of a difference between the hospital CAT scan and the dental cone beam you can tell full body and a facial. There has been some people that’s concerned about having a brain illusion. There almost designed to not include the brain. They only include the areas that we are licenced to practise and diagnoses in. Patient radiation dose is pretty insignificant. The Galileo is 1.6 times the normal or traditional film. These clinical results can be achieved with very low radiation dose to the patient. This high resolution scan is equivalent to 5-9 background days of radiation we all absorb in every day. Galileo 3D represents the lowest dose, 29 mic receivers of systems made for dental, 1-8% of the Maxwell facial CAT scan. The lose dose and high image shows the evolution is possible due to the seamless image that employs and capture technology. You can tell that is something from the company. Again I’m not pushing this brand. The reason I bought this one is it had the lowest radiation dose and I think that is significant. It was judged clinically by university studies to have the clearest image and it has a lot f of potential to connect with the Dirac system that have in the office and use. This just talks about the radiation dose and the <inaudible> radiation exposure to the public is on this one.
This is what I see infections and this is the big part. Implants are probably the biggest reasons that the 3d cat scans are being sold. That’s not why I bought one it still has some <inaudible>. This is me in our fire truck on the ranch that we keep to have brush fires or burning brush. I think od cat scan , you have to have Rollick and Harris they have great memories of a late night adventure on a country road with the sirens owing and the whistle blowing and I think this was after some maker’s march UT we won’t go there.
Dr Amira, I’ve spent about 15 years studying with him. He’s an MD who developed an Orange technique, PhD in acupuncture, he’s also a she gong master in college residence from Columbia University. We set up a series of lectures or sessions with hi apart from the ones in New York. He does a lot in new you’re for physicians but that’s usually cantered around cancer and they were a bout twenty of us that were dentist that spent about twenty weekends and it was basically about infection. I almost saw every weekend I was there he would bring in or somebody would call and bring in a cancer patient so I saw a lot of that. The take how for me almost all disease was including cancer is caused by an infection with a heavy metal component. That’s what saw, that’s what still see.
This is one of my first cases after I got the CAT scan. She’s a 24 year old female, her mother said she spent 20 000 looking for diagnosis she had severe pain. I used to do a lot of temperament , it’s a joint treatment also , it’s not a TMJ problem, I did a cat scan I thought is aw something on the cat scan but I only had the unit for a couple of month so I wasn’t really sure. I sent it off to a radiologist who was an MD. We got on the phone and he said there was nothing there and I thought who was I to argue you with him but I thought there was. Three weeks later she took the daughter to OU dental school, by this time there’s a fistula on the second molar. My patients have three choices with an infection, you can do nothing, you can have a root canal done the first time or the second time or you can elect to have it extracted. She opted to have the second molar extracted. This is that tooth and nothing showed up on digital x-rays and PA. This is the illusion, that’s not a big illusion. when I first saw it I thought that can’t be normal that’s illusion but the radiologist said it was ok.
Lessons learnt you can’t be a little pregnant. It’s either an infection or an abyss to me or not. Small legions are still legions. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Look at the other teeth on the same patient in your cat scan. Sometimes it’s ok to just not know. This is a great naturopathic physician, sent her out of state, sent her receptionist scan, we did cat scan we saw three root canal treated teeth. They all have small legions, gave her that information and she went home. They physician called me maybe a month later and said Christina, that was her name, had been in the emergency twice in the last two weeks. She has symptoms that are like a stroke. The hospital says that they think she had a heart attack, nothing shows up, nobody knows what’s wrong with her. This was a four year naturopathic degree woman, she was very bright. Other people told me this naturopathic physician has treated over 3, 000 cancer patient successfully. Bright girl, had a lot of faith in her she said “if you don’t do something she’s probably not going to be alive in 60 days”. She came down and we took out those three teeth. The physician call me a week later and said “all the symptoms are gone”
I did a little table clinic at the dental society meeting not long after that and I was showing her the cat scan and I talked with doctor Tom Blast who has a DS , PHD in micro biology , teaches at the dental school and the medical school. I told him the story and I found it fascinating that he didn’t blink an eye. He said “I get that. Aim for a five bacteria in the mouth and it could be an infection. Those end up in a circle of wellness and all kinds of things would happen”. I thought that was pretty interesting because my experience has been the most educated people and the more knowledgeable they are the more understandable what they see and what we see happens.
This patient had sinus problems, Lowe energy and some of these later ones I just pulled up within the last three or four weeks. I didn’t have to go back and look for weeks and weeks to find examples to show you that show up every day. On the left this was his right sinus totally occluded. here’s what I’m getting to you’ll see later as we go through the slides that there’s going to be a lot of stuff like this, not big legions . I actually had to blow this up. I’m looking for the pregnancy, I’m looking for the small illusion I can see the big legions and I believe it’s either heavy or it’s not. This is looking from the axial view and I’ll show you later how we do that. This a tangential view of the same thing and there’s nothing that says that the root canal has to fail.
Big legions, you pick this up on a traditional digital x-ray, however, virgin teeth on either side, patient is a naturopath, very aware of energy, very grate energy person, it was a cosmetic and an attractive women. She wanted a replacement she did not want a bridge. She was ok with an implant and we’ll talk about that later. There must be different opinions in this audience abbot implants so I’ll tell you what my experience has been. She wanted an implant. She had the knowledge and the training to be able to give me an intelligent answer. You don’t get this on a traditional digital x-ray. Looking at a cross sectional view this is very easy to see. There is no buckle bone, you have to decide if you need it what you are going to do for this patient. If you do need it how are you going to preserve it? It gives you the option to make those decision.
Is this an abyss? This is a 3d cat scan. I don’t see this very often but sometimes you’ll see this. what I sometimes tell patients when I’m going over the cat scan I say ” let’s pretend that this hand is the root of your tooth and this is bone . It will look like this. If it looks like this something caused that”. This is what we see a lot of time. This is a little bit bigger than what I would do see without picking it up on the elms but it does happen. Granted this is not a good radio graph and ice a talk about that. Maybe in your office you get perfect PAs every time. I don’t in my office. Look at this, it’s not a big illusion, look at the coast lining of the sinus. Is this the coincidence I don’t really know that this tooth is causing that but it certainly looks suspicious. Look at this now from the axial view. You see the sinus inflammation and look at this around the tooth. That’s not normal, that’s not healthy, and that’s an abysses in my book. A slight thickening of the period=oral membrane space. With the cat scan you strap their head in. it only takes 14 seconds. It’s very rare to not get a very good cat scan. With this one you can pick up on a digital x-ray. This case isn’t to show you that it’s to show you this. This patient had the same three choices, do nothing, root canal, extraction. Patient elected to have this tooth removed. I think I did a pretty good job with cleaning out the socket and I flush it with ozone.
in the past I did a lot of nice surgery I’ve done surgery where I get into the mandible and I’ve moved the inferior off the other bundle to one side and curated around it. It’s not that I’m not capable of doing that but I’ve got this tooth extracted. This is a small illusion here so this tells me in this case maybe I’m not going to curate quite aggressively here as I would. Maybe you would and that’s your choice but it tells me I’m going to back off just a little bit.
For me this alone makes the cone beam essential. Every year I get to go to the national’s filings rodeo in Las Vegas. It started because a patient came in from outer state, wonderful couple. He was a Vietnam veteran of grunt, went back to San Diego made a trillion dollars in development. He’s had front row seat to the national filling rodeo for twenty years. five years ago he said ” I’ve got two tickets you want to buy them ” I said yes and we’ve been going for the last five years. This guy is getting ready to get on a brown key horse and look at the guy’s expression here. I don’t know who is more nervous. This looks like this is side of Bronx. They only had to stay on for 18 seconds.
Let’s just pretend for a second that this horse is the root canal. Let’s pretend that this person here is the patient. The guy here is the pickup rider. If this guy makes it 8 seconds then the pickup rider comes along and tries to help him to get off of that bucking horse safely. You have to decide who you’re going to be. I don’t want to be the person on that horse. I would rather be the pickup guy trying to get him off of that safely. I don’t want to be this guy. It looks like this guy is about to get run over. I have believed that root canal is often a problem. The difficulty for me is how do I stay in standard of care and still care. I’ve done things that I knew in my gut was right to do but occasional and rarely I wasn’t sure I had all the documentation I width I would have had. Two years ago I took an implant course from Russell Bayes from the University of Chicago dental school. In his Couse he said he had done research on the literature. There is two studies that he found a ten years failure rate and one study with 35% and the other one was 46%. Anecdotally every 3d CAT scan user that I have talked to say give me a break. We’re talking 60-70% failure and that’s what I see. The nice thing is you can see it, the patients can see it. How often have you heard “it never felt right, I’ve been to two dentist, and they tell me they have taken x-rays and its ok??” I’ve heard that a lot. This is fascinating, have you guys seen this article? In august of last year those patients with toe or more root canal treated teeth were more likely to have heart diseases than those who reported no root canal treatment. I can’t believe they published it. To me this is the tip of the iceberg. I’m old enough to remember back in the seventies when you have the seventy KPB x-ray. we could see an incipient decay and it was wonderful but right I way we decided we needed a high speed film that cut back the radiation, go digital and it’s not as easy to see things but today with a cat scan we can see small says. Use the CAT scan like a microscope. I went through capital university and the president of capital university was Dr Ali who was a pathologist for 30 years and I did dark view of micros went to Germany and studied over there but Dr Ali would say when you’re using a micros keep focusing in and to and do the same thing with the cat scan . Continually scan in ND out to view the image. The first part of what I’m going to show you they’re going to be still slides. Before this is over we’ll pull up a cat scan that we can see and I’ll show you how you can do that and it will blow your mind. I’ve told you earlier I’ve seen one patient in fifteen years who had cancer or major illness that didn’t have a lot of dentistry. That’s what I see. I hope that you will look into getting a cat scan. some of these decisions aren’t early same patient that’s east but I had to scroll in and out like I told you because we all know that if we’re doing a traditional x ray we got a block of bone and tooth this bug . If there is a lot of dense bone on the buckle or the lingual and we have a small illusion paced in the middle it may not shop up. I actually had to scroll in and out. Look at the sinus membrane small illusion and look at this. There’s some reaction to that. Four of the sinus here is eroded. I’ve only had a couple of patients that have shown up with mild calicks and I’m not picking on bio calicks I’m just showing you this is what I saw. This was eighteen months ago. If you look at in an axiom crew we can see that this guy is failing here. How often have you seen it, patients have said it never felt right, digital x-ray don’t rely see anything. Look at the bone here. It’s a pretty big illusion and that’s probably why id dint show up very well and there is also a small illusion at the apex there. what I have seen and what I’m showing you is some of the small ones, I could have just gone back and pick up the big ones and you would look at those and say I can see those on my digital PA why would I want to spend $200 000 for this thing.
Infographic Explaining Dental Anxiety
original source: http://besttoothpaste.net/fluoride-free/dental-anxiety/